Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2019/09/09/minimizing-mass-murder.html
That pill splitter seems rather over-engineered.
Too bad we can’t take all the Purdue money – including the personal fortunes of the Sacklers – and put it all towards treatment of opiate addiction.
Then give the Sacklers some opiates to help with the pain of their newfound poverty. Just enough to get them fully addicted; then take the opiates away.
As defences go, it’s not great, even if we take it at face value.
“I know that this has caused thousands of deaths, and untold damage to society, but we’re only responsible for 3% of that, tops.”
That’s like saying “Hey, I only shot 3% of the children who died in mass shootings this year, why all the handcuffs and murder charges”
Apparently, some scumbag tobacco industry lawyers have found new patrons in the Sackler family.
People like these give the invisible hand a bad name.
People like these are the invisible hand now.
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