Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/04/17/purple-cherokee-are-my-favorite-tomatoes.html
I also find that the dark Paul Robeson tomato is similarly good - they’re both consistent elements in my rotation of tomato varieties. This year I’m additionally trying out Japanese Black tomatoes, to see how they compare. They’ve all got complex flavor and are heavy on the umami.
The Japanese Black Trifele are fantastic! All three of those are amazing tomatoes.
A cherry tomato companion for those who like darker, more umami tomatoes is Black Cherry. Sooo good.
The only tomatoes that have a semblance of success around here are the cherries. I’'ll look for those, thanks!
Every purple tomato we’ve grown has had an umami profile, but Cherokees end up in the garden every year. I like Mr. Stripey and/or Pineapple to balance them out in sauces, but these two slightly sweeter varieties are also great slicers.
Current state of our Purple Cherokees (9 cells at bottom right):
Also visible are Orange Jazz, Pineapple and Amish Paste, in back is a whole flat of Scotch Bonnets. Slightly blurry because I too the picture through the plant rack cover.
Cherokee Purples must be delicious—the resident four and six legged critters devoured every single one that even approached ripeness both years I grew them. The plant itself suffered the most from the local tomato plagues too. But I take vicarious joy from your successes
It’s the only variety I’ve ever seen a squirrel go for.
These heirloom varieties are going to be more susceptible to diseases than modern hybrids. A good trick is to separate various tomatoes as much as possible with other plants so diseases have less of a chance to move between plants. Sometimes that’s just not possible in a home garden with a tomato that requires heavy trellising. I’ve had great success with the vertical “hanging” trellis style. This style also allows you to prune heavily, which reduces the foliage and allows more air flow and less fungal pressure.
(this is not my garden)
The one year I was able to grow tomatoes in Seattle, they were Purple Cherokees, and yes, they are the best.
I also love the Purple Cherokee. Is anyone familiar with the Tiffin Mennonite?
Ma’lady, I expect mine to look more like this:
If you would care for some at the end of the season, and being local, let me know! They are fabulous producers if summer treats them right, even here in SE Michigan.

I was chuckling to myself re tomato varietal names vis a vis cannabis strains.
An “Amish Paste” and a “Tiffin Mennonite”? I’m not much of an imbiber but, damn, I’d try them on their names alone.
I love all their shapes ‘n’ colors!
The best thing about scotch bonnets is they add so much flavor - it’s not solely about burning layers of skin off the roof of one’s mouth. I add a tiny dash to all sorts of dishes just for that taste.
It would be nice to meet
/end tangent
The dark tomatoes I’ve had were all delicious. Still, the best tomato I ever had - so far! - was a Roma grown at a fake friend’s house. Straight off the vine; didn’t even need or want salt.
I’m far from a tomato fan, but have always enjoyed the cherry, grape, and pear tomatoes. A dear friend who hates tomatoes changed his mind when I told him I dislike tomatoes but love the little ones. I handed him a couple cherry tomatoes at a party, and he tried them. That’s how it starts, kids! A friend offers you some at a party…
It took a lot of convincing, but he really liked them when he finally ate one, and joined me in demolishing them at the snack table
We’ve been getting punnets of tiny multicolored tomatoes lately, and the purple/black, orange, and yellow ones are my faves. Very fruity, and never boring.
It’s not like we live super far from each other, eh? Let’s plan something at harvest time!
That’s pretty much all I buy for store tomatoes. I like to slice them up for tacos or falafel sammies. Colorful and tasty!
Though tomatoes can certainly be dank in their own way, I’ve yet to come across a varietal with a name as hilarious as “Alaskan Thunderfuck.”
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