Putin allegedly plans to get revenge on the U.S. by helping Trump "win" in 2024

Vlad, we have already seen behind the curtain. Americans are only so stupid, not completely stupid … well, most of them.

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As if he wasn’t going to do that anyway. What was his excuse the last two times?


They are threatening to drop Fat Boy on you again. But not that Fat Boy.

Putin seems to have lost it. He had interfered in the UK and US elections, and got two nuclear powers to effectively drop out of Europe. He seemed to be pulling the strings everywhere. Perhaps this is just regression to the mean: he’s shown himself to be human, and not a particularly effective human. That has got to come as a blow to those who think he was infalliable*.

  • Trump-fearing devotees aside. Who knows how they think.

Did anyone ever believe that they DIDN’t already have plans to interfere in upcoming American national elections?
This is the blathering of a TV talk show host, who just happened to mouth what was obviously already in the works - not really news.


Gosh, no one could have seen that coming! [Narrator: nearly every sentient human being could have seen it coming]

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in Bitcoin, natch…

No. Not really. No.


Sounds like a great plan. The MAGA zealots would love it.


You think that’s what it would take for Trump to get elected in 2024? Biden barely won in 2020, and the media has been working overtime to blame him for everything wrong in the world since, as well as things that went wrong before he was even elected, like COVID. The only thing it will take for Trump to get elected in 2024 is for a few likely Democratic voters to stay home and not vote.


Not to card-carrying cultists. They are the Party of Doublethink, after all…


and a recent addition to the list:


Let’s not forget the past year of local republicans breaking the election system piece by piece just to get their way.


They also hate the majority of their fellow Americans [although, in their book, they aren’t Americans at all]:
All those who didn’t vote for You Know Who. For the sake of arguement, let’s just say that’s half the population.
All those who aren’t white… in their view, non-whites barely count as human.
All women, even if they voted for You Know Who. Women, of course, only have one purpose.
All non-Talibanners. Those heathens, of course, are condemned by their god… which somehow can’t seem to do its own dirty work.
All non-cisgendered. This goes without saying.

All told, I figure they hate and fear at least three-quarters of the population of this country & will eagerly kill those Evil Others, given half a chance. They will, of course, let the white women live, for breeding purposes; the others will be used for entertainment.

The fact that it was blathered is news.
It’s one thing to suspect something; it’s another thing entirely to hear a public confession.

If they don’t, I’m sure the rest of us would.


You’re not even exaggerating. This dude from the Claremont Institute says it out loud where everyone can hear it.

Let’s be blunt. The United States has become two nations occupying the same country. When pressed, or in private, many would now agree. Fewer are willing to take the next step and accept that most people living in the United States today—certainly more than half—are not Americans in any meaningful sense of the term.

These guys would absolutely love to declare almost everyone to be non-citizens – unable to vote, subject to fewer rights and many more penalties. But their preference is just to put 200 million people in the ground.


Why wouldn’t they? Russia bragging about putting Trump in the White House makes their country look stronger and makes our country more divided.


And it’s not like the US is going to be able to punish them for past election interference while it’s already doing whatever it can over invading Ukraine.


To be fair, he only does it on days ending in “y”

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