Putin's party launches "straight pride" flag

I usually just refer to firmware routines common for all pack animals, including humans. Which can also be described/explained by game theory.


Then again. Nothing wrong with a straightforward straight family. You get to put those little stick figure stickers on you car. Forms are a whole lot easier to fill out.

Personally, I am in favour of them.

Not to get too off topic but works for legislation too. Freedom, Patriot, etc… It’s a common PR tactic across the board.


It’s quite telling that supposed moral/religious organizations need to deceive people in order to achieve their secret agenda.
‘Hmm, if you need to lie to people in order to get what you want, are you really moral?’ No.

Their actions betray who and what they really are: Deceivers.

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Well, yeah. I mean, if your idea of life after death goes beyond rotting in the ground, pretty much everything you say after that is either conjecture (100% testable) or made-up bullshit.

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Or Jewish, or Ukrainian, or non-slavic, I’d imagine. They are really amping up the Russian/slavic/orthodox angle in Russian society, because that is what Putin views as shoring up his power the most. Fascism is on the march in Europe right now, and a whole host of groups will be targets if things keep spiraling out of control the way they have been, especially if the EU can’t get it’s shit straight on Greece.

[ETA] LBGTQ rights are being associated with “western” values, and hence it’s doubly dangerous for those seeking rights at LBGTQ individuals.

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The fun is going on here

That’s how I remember it being as the parent of a small child, yes


The world desperately needs a liberal society that isn’t neoliberal.


I know right… Maybe we just need a whole new political language, because the old one has like zero meaning any more… Maybe new concepts and ideas would help us to find something better?


apologies for the hack job.

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