Qanon "codes" are consistent with an English-speaker mashing a QWERTY keyboard

And buy in to the Dvorak High Command’s plan to get us all on their liberal alien keyboard? Nice try, sympathizer.


up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A



Name checks out.

+1,000 co-simians.

I can’t see Trump following the advice in it though.


Real conspiracy theorists use Colemak.


I could have tweaked it more to make it a bit more relevant, but my point was Qanon is using the same vague language used by horoscopes and psychics and fortune tellers for centuries. Though Qanon’s style is to pose a lot of open ended questions, it is the same tactic: Make enough generalities, and you will start to be able to link them to real world events. Then, because our brains are garbage, we start to give these coincidences more weight than the lines that are either misses or make no sense. They even start making excuses for him, saying things like, “Hillary wasn’t arrested as predicted because something happened to call it off.”

Granted I think a lot of people are just in this for the ride, but those who are True Believers think that Trump is working with military intelligence to root out corruption not just in domestic alphabet agencies, but world wide. While they seem to focus on the left more, they make it clear that corruption is also on the right and they too will fall. This makes it so anyone against Trump is just part of the status quo corruption trying to hold on to power.

My advice is to invest in people who make and sell popcorn.

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