That’s a bit spine-tingly shivering. But, yeah, I guess. I’m sure someone could oblige with a gif of Keith pulling his faec off to reveal JFK. Though, TBH, peeling Keith’s facial skin might be a long job.
I was more objecting that the use of ‘reveals’ implies some truth.
Not that I should expect a rational answer, but … I guess I just don’t understand how random crap like this is just thrown against a wall and then all of a sudden everybody just accepts it as truth? Like - is this what they’re referring to when they’re admonishing “sheeple” to “do their own research?”
And I stood upon the sand of the sea and I saw a Beast rise up from the depths of the waters, and the Beast had a thousand heads, and one of those heads was Keith Richards, and it wore seven crowns, and upon its mouths was a curse on Cultural Marxism, and I sank to my knees and worshipped the Beast, because the Beast was God.
And my buddy next to me on the couch spake unto me, saying “Whoa, man. What was in those 'rooms? I am tripping balls.” And I did not respond to him, because I could see the lines connecting the shapeshifting lizards, through the pedophiles, to the International Communists.
And the second trumpet sounded.
A friend once described to me the various delusional things he believed to be true when he had a psychotic break. They were more rational than this shit.
Part of me thought so until all those q-berts showed up in Dallas the other day.
I think for the most part - you’re right; when it’s just something like this or a bunch of people show up for an event that’s never to happen, then the rest of us get to chuckle or have a big laugh about how silly and irrational this has all become. It’s when these crazy mass delusions lead to vaccine hesitancy or innocent kids get impaled by spear guns that I care very deeply