QAnon "tearing families apart"

There’s no such thing as “christian values”, because christian morality is entirely based on whatever their god says is what is right.

If you trace it back far enough it just boils down to: since god is the most powerful, might makes right.


You really don’t need chemicals or lifetime indoctrination to explain it if you think in terms of information intake and remember some of the things that research into cults have shown for years. Getting hooked by a cult, and I find it useful to think of Q like a cult, can happen almost entirely without regard to education, politics, or mental health. It really is just finding the right group that is using the intellectual bait that pulls you into a spiral of playing on our very common cognitive biases. The initial hooks aren’t generally far outside of common experience and values. In the case of Q that hook can easily just be the concept of sexual trafficking of minors. The idea has been a major thread in US media for decades and we all generally agree that it is a bad thing. From there it is a very small step to the idea that such trafficking isn’t getting the attention it deserves. As you walk down that path you spend a little more of your time getting information from sources that still within a recognizable range of reality, but use slightly different terminology. At that point a larger shift occurs because when you seek out information it is going to come from sources using the weird terms. That leads to a larger share of your information coming from sources that confirm each other and your preexisting views, and slide you a step further down the line. As you get further into the weird terms and slightly more extreme views it creates tension in your communication with people not on the same ride. Whether consciously or not you will drift further from anchors to objective reality and find it easier to converse with people who will pull you along. The very loose and contradictory nature of Q makes it easy to have a lot of hooks and rails that feed deeper. Our heavily atomized society, lack of agreed baseline facts on a bunch of issues, and increased isolation and fear during the pandemic have created a perfect breeding ground for this. Mix in a few for profit grifters and some algorithmic amplification and some equivalent phenomenon was almost certainly heading our way.

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Usenet in the '80s was an uncorrupted Eden by comparison


Funny enough, democratic reform has a good track record, while socialist revolutions have a godawful one. Never be deceived, by the rich or the radicals, into thinking that voting can’t achieve good results.

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