Where is your question mark?
You found the secret of life? Why should it bum you out?
Are my dude and I the only couple that starts a show together, then one party binges ahead and then forgets where they left off together? Isn’t it a little embarrassing to admit my binge-watching habits are a problem?
Do you really see them as a problem? I just keep my yap shut and re-watch, doesn’t that keep things peaceful?
Who has time for TV?
And binge-watching? Don’t you get bored by that, especially with the unending serial nature of TV over movies?
Might I not try to spend some time this summer watching the 4 series of GoT I missed, though?
Maybe election time is stewing more people’s angry thoughts on any political topic and making it more likely they’ll share them?
SHIT!? Why does my finger rebel? Even when I know I’m on the Q’s thread? Am I trying to do too much at the same time in the last 48 hours? Do I need a BB holiday?
Do I have to go back and edit?
(Did I almost f-up again with my first one-word sentence?)
Yeah, but don’t I need to either 'fess up or cover my tracks by writing down where we stopped? Wouldn’t I have kept my mouth shut if he hadn’t said HEY, we’ve watched that one already, and why isn’t the correct next one queued up?
Wasn’t I losing some interest as things plot-twisted along in season 3 over and over? You know how happy I was that season 4 got back into the earlier areas that I’d enjoyed more?
Haven’t I been watching it since the beginning?
Um… people whose jobs consist of about 80% down-time, like me?
Wouldn’t we die of sheer boredom if not for the internet?
And isn’t true that I personally haven’t watched tv on an actual television set in like, forever?
As happy as I am, perhaps?
And don’t you miss Helena, whose story-line seems to have been dropped for the moment?
Who won?
Did you hear anything… footsteps… a door opening?
The angry thoughts? The mods? Isn’t it an enigma?
It is sort of hypnotic, isn’t it?
Do I want @OtherMichael to bite me?
White goddess having trouble?
Could you state in the form of a desperate cry to God to save you from an unholy death, please?
What if I don’t believe in god?
Isn’t the important part that He believes in you?