tell me about. Why I’m hand crafting a gif for a scene and sheesh. I see why people not paying for the professional products?
will anyone notice the edit?
tell me about. Why I’m hand crafting a gif for a scene and sheesh. I see why people not paying for the professional products?
will anyone notice the edit?
You are aware of the one rule here, right?
Also, does working with Synfig provoke a lasting deep-seated terror at the sheer complexity for everyone?
have I forgotten what thread this is? Again? Will I change the syntax?
Shall I let you know that as far as I can tell it was totally worth it?
Would it please you to know it was doubly amusing to me as I am wearing the Hedgezilla shirt today?
Could you tell this is the first of several planned Hedgezilla vids, with the goal being to ultimately have the animated story go longer than the credits (also articulated limbs, spline paths, and perhaps a bit more plot)? Can you tell I’m glad at the serendipity of you wearing the Hedgezilla shirt (which is still one of our faves)?
Isn’t the new Mayor of Rome from M5S? Wasn’t she elected on a “new broom sweeps clean” anticorruption platform (and not at all because she’s young, pretty, and personable)? But isn’t her administration already suffering from corruption charges?
Hasn’t Rome been quite corrupt for millennia? Is it realistic to expect a single party (who can’t agree on anything except “not being as corrupt as the others”) to change all that in a few months? How long will the electorate tolerate the new clowns?
Would you believe I average 20 minutes to record two minutes of voice acting with no other processing?
(Haven’t I also done a few seconds of hand drawn animation? Wasn’t it miserably long to do? )
ETA: What is an unclosed parenthesis?
Can I confess that you and @nemomen are making me feel better about the average 5 hours (not counting planning) I might spend on a 15-minute-or-so video I make for my students? (But especially nemo, because doesn’t your 20:2 time ratio actually seem pretty efficient by comparison?)
With time in Photoshop to build assets/art, and 24 frames/second and 280 frames for an ~11 second main animation, even with vectorization and key frames helping you skip in-betweening, isn’t there just a ridiculous amount of work involved in animation? Isn’t it worse for early projects where you’re learning to do the stuff and making errors that can force you to backtrack a lot?
How weird is it that while watching Kingdom of the Spiders, I looked down and saw a big ol’ spider crawling up the side of the pouf upon which I was resting my feet?
Did you know that none of us are ever more than 6 feet away from a spider, at any given time?
Yeah, but as long as I don’t see 'em, isn’t it easier to ignore that fact?
Isn’t ignorance “bliss,” just in this one instance?
How did I not know about cheese bags before now?
Quick check: how many people here live within driving distance of Chicago or could get here for a weekend for the hell of it?
I do not nor could I, but I would want to, does that count for anything? I miss real pizza.
How do I still not know what they are?
Aren’t they what happens when you leave milk bags out?
How gross is that thought?