? ❓ ⚛ Questions. Questions? QUESTIONS!? ⚛ ❓?

Isn’t this not only a statement, but also likely to start a flame war? :wink:


Aren’t statements proceeded by questions allowable? And, as the first person to pose a statement in the questions thread, haven’t I always been a bit of a rebel? And, don’t I really not care about how wrong people are about their wrong ideas about thin pizza?


Are you playing continental rules or something?


Maybe, what’s the difference?

Maybe because you haven’t read this?


What the? Who is all, “oh, I don’t want to eat that cheese, I’ll keep it around for two extra weeks”? Without those bags you are forced to eat all the cheese two weeks earlier, isn’t that a better idea?


Does your family go through 5 or 6 2-pound blocks of cheese in under 2 weeks? How long does a pound of parmesan last you? Or are you one of those monocheese culture households that only keeps one or two varieties of cheese in the larder at any given time?


A pound of Parmesan? Who buys more than eight ounces at a time? Why buy cheese in those quantities in the first place?

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Someone who has some with their lunches everyday? Also do you not have a teenager in the house yet? (8oz of cheese is a snack)


Are there any more snacks as… binding? That would be a concern even as a teen, right?
Seriously though, you shave Parmesan onto things, not drop a block in, don’t you know how hard it is?

And, frankly, you are also not using cheese bags, as cheese isn’t lasting two weeks at your place either, right?


Is it even possible to buy decent Parmesiano Reggiano in blocks of a pound or less? Or even Jarlsberg or Bel Paese?

Are we the only ones here who call having fewer that 6 kinds of cheese in the house at one time being “out of cheese”?


If you’re buying all that cheese you surely must be friends with your local cheesemonger, right?

Have you asked them to cut your order as needed? Failing that, Murray’s cheese works in half pound increments for online orders don’tchaknow?

Ask them to cut the cheese?


Haven’t you just reminded me that I’ve got a Bellavitano Gold Sartori in the fridge right now?

No, wait…right NOW isn’t it sitting on the counter to get to room temperature?


Could you have made it clearer that you’ve never had Deer Park style fettucini carbonara? Doesn’t it require a minimum half pound of parmesan (and isn’t that only half the cheese in it?)?


Hasn’t Costco already cut my cheeses into 1-2 pound blocks? Any idea how much Murray’s might charge to ship half a pound of cheese 5600 miles? And would they include their signature cheese bags?

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Aren’t you still shaving or shredding it, not dropping in a block?

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Who knows, don’t I just stop in on the way home? And, because it’s Murray’s, don’t the tourists just buy anything they put out no matter how dumb it is?

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Well, yeah, but I can drop a block in if I want to, now can’t I?

Isn’t literal accuracy not the point? Who started this thread again?

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Wasn’t that me?