? ❓ ⚛ Questions. Questions? QUESTIONS!? ⚛ ❓?


Aren’t we smack in the middle of the Glory/Dawn season?


Has she shouted yet at Glory to leave Tara alone?


Haven’t we not gotten there yet? Didn’t the Council just show up and get shut down by Buffy, and tell her what Glory is?


Are we all excited about the ScarJo remake?


Why should we be? Are they going to go ahead and digitally apply “asian features” to the actors? Shouldn’t they just change the film and set it in LA if they are going to use white people?


Did you see this?


Don’t you make an excellent point?

Why do certain types insist upon miscasting revered characters, to the never ending ire of the fandoms?


Don’t I actually know “why” and that’s just my personal ire talking?


Isn’t he right on the money there with all that? Can’t I see how this is a specifically Japanese story? But even if they cast an all Japanese cast, wouldn’t they still probably ignore the nuance of the story and make it a crime-thriller-action film with little depth, because that is the perception of what sells? Didn’t they do that with V is for Vendetta, a comic about authoritarianism in Thatcher’s Britain, which they attempted to make into a morality play about terrorism?


Is it standing the test of time? Didn’t I read Joss Whedon bummed out over Avengers Ultron and wish he’d resume season 8 of Buffy? What does 13yo buddy think so far?

And will I like GINTS as an older viewer? Haven’t I missed out on anime?


Did I feel meh about it the first time I saw it? Like I missed something about the film? Don’t I want to see it again after reading more on it?


As long as she’s playing an American or European-Japanese person, I can live with the casting choice, but she has to be Japanese!.. the whole point of the character is her embodiment of an emergent force for meta-stability in Japan, if she’s speaking English and behaving like a non-Japanese person, won’t it totally undermine the entire point of GITS?

Maybe she’s just chosen a ‘shell’ that appears to be white, although, off the top of my head, I can’t think of any other human characters in any of the produced works that has previously done this… a couple of straight-up androids have… I really just want it to have decent Hollywood production values, I’m constantly disappointed in Japan’s ability to produce live-action sci fi that anywhere near lives up to its anime, but like I said, where in the hell are they going to draw the line?
If you think your audience won’t go and see a Japanese lead in a Japanese story about Japan, how many of those other Japanese elements are going to be changed to better appeal to your supposedly white audience?


Do I dare say “Happy Birthday” to you?


Isn’t that a particularly powerful argument?

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It’s hard to predict isn’t it? Didn’t I think I was done with superhero comics? Then I read Geoff Johns and didn’t I get sucked back in for awhile? Do you have any less defensible narrative guilty pleasures?

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Should they have set Aloha in LA since Emma Stone was playing a Chinese-Hawaiian character?

Should Denzel Washington not have been allowed to play Don Pedro in Much Ado About Nothing?

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Wasn’t that casting decision deservedly criticized?

Is a very old English play about Spaniards not something that has a bit more freedom for experimentation? Was the race of those characters really relevant? If you’re going to question the casting decisions there, why not start with Keanu?


You mean more freedom than a cartoon taking place in the future?


Do you really think that’s what was meant?

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Am I wrong to believe that characters of any race should be allowed to play any character, and not have to do it in racial-stereotyping makeup? And that while any reduction in opportunities for non-white actors should be resisted, it is understandable when directors cast big stars as major characters in movies even when they don’t fit the demographic?