? ❓ ⚛ Questions. Questions? QUESTIONS!? ⚛ ❓?

Didn’t I see Captain America Civil War for the second and third times with my nephews because, you know, they wanted to go? :wink: Wasn’t it the best to go with them to a big goofy comic book movie? And now :wine_glass:, yes?


What, that movie’s out already? How many Marvel movies behind am I now? :laughing:


Is it a gajillion … not counting the soon to be apocryphal other studio efforts?


Does anyone else have to wake up extra early for getting the kid to school early?


Can I count 5:30 as early, cats as kids and feeding as school? Then can’t I say yes if yes to the above?


When’s Howard the Duck coming out? Wasn’t that just the best post-credits teaser EVAR?!?!??


This is a joke, right? :worried:


Aren’t you trying to scare me with that HOD stuff? Can’t I confirm there’s no reason to expect that at any point in Marvel’s 25 year plan does HOD return to the big screen? And don’t I wish I had that confidence about Starlord?

When I figure it out, can I tell you then? Aren’t I tired of making decisions? If someone (I trusted) handed me a glass of anything right now, wouldn’t I drink it happily, no questions asked?


Is there any other Steve Gerber work-for-hire property that deserves a proper big-screen treatment?


But how could they ever top Ferris Bueller’s principal’s desire for “More energy…”?

What’s extra early? Don’t I get up at 5:20 every weekday to begin the process of getting them all up and out? Doesn’t that evil woman stay in bed until the coffee is ready and the first wave has hit the showers?


Wasn’t GoG, 'nuff said?

Is there anyone who knows less about that subject than I do?


Weren’t they okay, but not created by the SG, anyway?

Aren’t there enough “super” heroes out there? Why can’t we have other fantastic comicsy-things?

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Don’t I agree? Don’t I still like having a reliable topic of converation with my younger nephew though in how this and that superhero compare, origin stories and so on?

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Did you know there was a disco backlash? Hasn’t it been interpreted as racist and sexist (and maybe also homophobic), as disco was women, black people, and the gay community? Won’t I know more when I read these 2 books I’ve been meaning to read and can’t I report back if I think it’s a white flight issue or not?


Isn’t that crazy? Don’t I feel bad for complaining about getting up at 6:30 now? But aren’t we a house of night owls?


Did I ever even hear of that? Didn’t I grow up in NJ in the 70’s, so spent a lot of time in the city disco-ing like everyone else back then? Don’t I remember it fondly, what I remember of it anyway? Because aren’t there a whole lot of gaps in my memory during that time? Won’t I spare you the pics of RatMan in his disco platform heels? (Yes, doesn’t such a thing exist? And what bizarre decisions led to a guy who’s already 6’2 adding on another three inches of heel?) Didn’t I join the Navy and put an end to hanging out in the clubs, and never got back into it?

Wasn’t the disco society of the mid-70’s very egalitarian? Wasn’t it mostly (in my opinion anyway) driven by sex, drugs, and dancing? Didn’t I often feel out of place as a big white country bumpkin in the middle of all those cool people? Isn’t the dance club scene these days pretty much the same, just the music is different? But isn’t that not at all part of my life these days?


Wasn’t it stuff like this that I’m referring to?

Isn’t it awesome that you missed that and was down with an egalitarian scene?

Won’t I report back more when I read up on it from people who study disco?