You have clearly never had piping hot Latkes piled high with warm, homemade, honey infused applesauce. God dammit, don’t you hate it when you make yourself hungry thinking about good food but it’s 11:40 PM?
Didn’t I say that I hadn’t, though?
And yes; having the munchies this late sucks, doesn’t it?
Oh I totally missed that… would you be angry if I started throwing Latkes, sour cream, applesauce, and Hamantaschen at you?
Wouldn’t that make a terrible mess against your screen?
Isn’t Saturday for sleeping in, thus making Friday a Designated Late Night Snack Night?
Can the concept of white flight be applied to culture as well as cities?
Whoa, that was out of left field. Interesting question though. Is there a specific backstory to you asking it? Also, maybe you should start a topic on it, eh?
Haven’t I been thinking about the changes to the recording industry in the 70s, including the rise of metal and punk as cultural phenoemnon? And wasn’t I wondering if the disco backlash, which many consider to have very gendered and racial connotations (even if not always explicitly), could be an example of white flight, but from culture? Don’t I need to read both the Jefferson Cowie’s book, Stayin’ Alive, and that history of disco by Peter Shapiro Turn the Beat Around, and won’t that help me out? But don’t we normally think of white flight as a very specific thing, a process of fleeing from a place? But why can’t we imagine that culture can also be something from which people can flee, especially when the modes of production become more open, which normally starts with people able to afford new technologies and isn’t that often more well-off white men, who historically have more buying power? [Also, aren’t I going to copy all that and put it into a document to think on later?]
Should we start a new thread on it? What does everyone else think of that idea?
Can you give an example?
Are you going to mention the Anthrax album _White Noise _?
Didn’t the wife and I finally eat our lunch at 23:00 last night? Isn’t my father-in-law extracting some of the time that he put in to taking care of his kids when they were little?
Is this where I ask @japhroaig why the long face?
Are we getting habituated to allowing posts with a random statement followed by questions? Can I leave this here for all of you violators?
Would you believe Im Horsin’ Around?
So I have zero idea of anyone’s race, let alone culture here (with a few exceptions (and frankly I forget genders most of the time)), I’m moving to EPA, so doesn’t the concept of white flight baffle me? I know it’s real, but does white flight in the context of seige engines make more sense?
Wasn’t I mostly thinking of the disco backlash?
Did anyone else goof off pretty much all weekend? Wasn’t it lovely?
You mean, you didn’t throw an outdoor party for 100 teenagers in 40º weather this weekend? Wasn’t it supposed to be a ginormous picnic? Wasn’t the bonfire useful, at least?
Have I earned a nice little nightcap this evening?
Isn’t it closer to 40C than 40F here? D: Aren’t I somewhat jealous even though 100 humans sounds exhausting regardless of their age?
What’s your nightcap of choice this evening?
Is hosting a birthday party for your 2-year countable as slacking? What about watching 2 episodes of Bosch when it was all over, eating smoked British cheddar and drinking a grapefruit soda?