Quick question, downloading a thread

I’ve threatened to grab Questions and print it as a book. Couple things:

  • is there a programmatic way of grabbing an entire thread without scraping or botting?
  • @codinghorror is there anything that I could accidently break?

It is a weird, stream of consciousness list of odd questions and images. But I kinda really want a copy bound in leather :slight_smile:

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I may throw the leather bound tome in the fire, but that is my prerogative.

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You need to print this on vellum.


You have piqued my interest. Alibaba, transcribe everything on vellum or calf skin, and sketch the avatars with a feather pen.


I’d volunteer to illuminate it, but I’m crap at that stuff.

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If I won’t break discourse, I may actually do this. It’s pointless, only affects maybe thirty people, but amuses me. And hay, I got time.

@codinghorror if there is anything that I could possibly break, I wouldn’t mind a heads up. I reeeealy don’t want to mess with a live, prod site.


How about Amazon Turking someone copy-pasting the whole thing manually?

I’m thinking about it. There are ways, but I don’t want to hurt something I enjoy.

There is no clean way to “print” a long topic at this time. You can disable JavaScript and visit the topic to get a 1996 era HTML 1.0 paginated view, that is about it.

In code you can pull the json to get the entire topic pretty easily, just like a browser would. See https://meta.discourse.org/t/how-to-reverse-engineer-the-discourse-api/20576


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Ty. if when I try this I’ll send you a note, just in case I accidently break something.

Don’t you need to wait until it’s complete before printing it? Wouldn’t it make for a nice set of leather bound volumes to fill a shelf ultimately?

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Finished? Is that even possible? Perhaps editions?

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Maybe an edition for each year?


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