Rampage shooting at Planned Parenthood in Colorado

Not defending anti-choicers, but citing the low percentage of services devoted to actual abortions isn’t the strongest argument. In their eyes, it’s like saying that only 3% of the Wehrmacht were assigned to rail transport of undesirables so we should have cut them some slack at Omaha Beach. Women going to PP for contraception or pap smears or prenatal care are considered unfortunate but necessary collateral damage.


No. Invalid comparison.


In their eyes,

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Wait guns and abortion?

Yeah that’s right one to use here.


At least in my case, I am 100.00% comfortable that nothing whatever will result from this event that affects in any way my right to buy and own guns and ammo. So I see no need to get my shorts in a knot.


No, it’s wrong because you assume a reasoned argument.


Must be embarrassing sometimes, being God.


November weather in Colorado looks pretty brutal.



This is American terrorism.


It is a freaky place. I spent most of a month there a long time ago, working on a project back when 7-Eleven and Citgo were both owned by Southland Corporation, which was headquartered there. The elevation was high enough I felt just slightly light-headed all the time. Then too the presence of NORAD and Cheyenne Mountain cast a little shadow over everything, a constant reminder that if things went awry you were virtually dead center of the USSR’s target #1. (Probably people feel that one less now.)

Because of the strong right wing influence there, I’d read that in recent years they had refused to pass adequate taxes and so had cut police and public safety spending to a fraction of the normal levels, were turning off most of the street lights, that kind of thing. Maybe they got over that as the recession eased; I’m not clear. Certainly nobody’s talked about it in the context of this being the second spree shooting in Colorado Springs in the last couple months.


[quote=“nubwaxer, post:51, topic:69897”]
“rampage shooting”. that’s a good one like “mass shooting”, both of which are euphemisms for act of terror or terrorists attack (what’s the difference again?).[/quote]

Why do you assume that one is a euphemism for the other, and that they cannot be distinct things? Terrorism is a crime which is perpetrated for the goal of instilling terror. Murder is a crime perpetrated with the goal of causing certain people to cease to live. There can certainly be an overlap, but it does not seem to follow that they are the same. It seems that every time some big tragic attack upon people happens, a few people get very vocal about insisting that it should be recognized as terrorism, with no reasoning provided. I have even had people verbally attack me for having the nerve to ask about it!

Of course it’s not random. But what does “the AK47 is definitely symbolic of terrorism” mean? Are people there really more or less terrified based upon what kind of gun they are shot with?

I become suspicious when people’s whole point is that I need to frame my views of an event a certain way for vague reasons. But it usually deteriorates into pure partisanship - that if I don’t intuit their reasoning, that I am not the kind of person who deserves an explanation.

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I actually said that at first, because we weren’t certain what was happening. Of course it was and I’m not surprised that PP was the primary target, but while the shooting was still happening, and the guy was still at large, reports were sketchy at first.


I found this interesting, and by interesting, I mean fucking depressing:

Veterans of mass shootings.



One of my former classmates in the psychology program has founded a practice specializing in therapy for survivors of mass shootings. Her practice is thriving and she’s so busy she has to pick and choose her patients. On the one hand, I applaud her for serving patients who have real problems but are widely ignored. On the other hand, the fact that she’s needed at all is horrifying.


All Christians should wear some form of ID on their clothes.


And my “like” is for your satire…I really don’t think people should have to wear their religion on their sleeve. (Before anyone reads too much into this…)


My boys say random.

Most do. It’s the little torture cross around their necks.


Jesus Christ. That’s beyond fucking depressing and into ‘I just can not comprehend’ territory.