“project their anger in more positive ways then to vandalize”
Even institutions like the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce can’t get it right. This actually encourages vandalism, by asking people to project more positively and then go out and vandalise. I’ll project my anger alright. At their crappy grammar.
I feel like that’s a total cop out, hiding behind it like that as if a mob and their echo chamber doesn’t matter in the age of the internet. Remember this all started with a comic doing his bit that had a ripple effect throughout the internet (US at least). We might not know it but we all have a voice in this. My feed reads that Cosby is already paying dearly for it which doesn’t compare if the allegations are true but I think the consequence should only happen when he’s proven guilty, not while the case is still happening. (Is there a case up in court even? Shouldn’t there be?) Rape allegations is such a serious thing and ruins lives proven or not, so I always approach these like all things of this matter, with cynicism and doubt on BOTH sides. If you think me being a fence sitter is what makes me a rape apologist, then so be it. (I didn’t even know what it actually was until now lol)
PS. I just noticed that my first post wasn’t actually a reply to marilove with his/her comment that “We also know that these women are to be believed.” Oops. Totally meant for that post.
You have taken emoticons to a higher level, I’m stuck down here with the old ones
How many victims coming forward would it take before your sympathies shifted to them rather than the alleged criminal? For example, where do you stand on the Catholic Church child assault industry?
I always thought innocence until proven guilty was one of your bedrocks.
Unfortunately, even sheer weight of victims coming forward is not a reliable indicator of the truth. The Satanic Ritual Abuse case in the 80s is a sad and potent reminder of that.
As for this particular case, I don’t know. I don’t know enough of the facts. None of us do.
I assume you mean the U.S., not me personally.
But speaking personally, I asked in my post to @elizacassan about how many victims coming forward with consistent testimony does it take before their sympathies would shift to the victims rather than sticking with the alleged perpetrator.
Again speaking personally, my sympathies start with the victim(s) and only shift to the alleged perpetrator when and if that person is found to be the true victim in the case (i.e., false reporting, which happens even less than for other crimes since the claim of rape carries a lot of stigma against the victim).
It may just be me, but if just one of the people that I’ve ever gotten naked with went to the police and/or press to complain about that event, that would be the cause for some serious introspection on my part. Let alone likely shame/depression.
Dude’s got over a dozen people complaining he took advantage of them. That’s far beyond my empathy frame of reference.
Just for reference, we’re up to over 15 people claiming assault and/or rape, and one of the most recent is an ex Playboy bunny who says she knows of a dozen more.
Personally I have a hard time imagining that 15 people would conspire to ruin the same guy, or that they would all spontaneously develop the same kinds of false memories without any of the prompting the alleged Satanic abuse survivors received.
But hey, maybe we’ll have 30 accusers soon. Will that be enough for the doubters?
Yes, really, victim blaming. The rest of this is word salad that I can’t even begin to parse.
We’re not in a court of law, last I checked. And do you know how rarely rape cases are EVER brought to trial? Let alone how often actual racists are found guilty?
These women ARE to be believed. Period.
This is just a way for you to say “Hey, women are hysterical sometimes, ya know? The more women come out, the less they can be believed, because groups of women can’t be trusted.”
I believe these women, and anyone who doesn’t, is a rape apologist.
@Marilove, apologies, I will try again. I really am interested in your opinion, we are all trying to work through and learn here.
1-Rape is a violation of a woman.
2-A rapist at large is also an active ongoing threat to public safety and health of other women.
3-Placing a woman into the situation where she involuntarily ALSO must now act to protect others, possibly against her desires, safety, or physical needs; in order to protect others is a second violation.
In the real world there is sometimes nothing that a woman does will help, even if everyone after the act is sympathetic rarely is the victim of a brutal crime equipped to now also deal with the emergency they are faced with.As an analogy, we as humans are responsible for community health, yet most of us are not able to develop and distribute a cure for some plague all alone after having been infected.
This below is a very telling example of what the real world does when a woman considers reporting a rape.
That rolling stone article is bullshit. Stop victim blaming. The rest of your post doesn’t match up with the comments you’ve already left.
Women don’t come forward for MANY reasons. These reasons are easy to find if you do some research. You don’t appear to have done any actual research on this subject. You just have some opinions and also you read a shitty rolling stone article and now you think you know everything you need to know about rape.
14 women came forward in the early 00’s. One got a payout, meaning the others didn’t get a chance to testify. Now that it’s come out again (inspired by a comedian’s bit about how he’s a rapist and no one even knows or talks about it, then by his misguided #cosbymeme page that backfired hilariously) several more women have come forward. It’s becoming increasingly clear that he was/is a fucking scumbag who used his power to rape women. Why you would want such a person to enjoy anything but the kind of ridicule and professional destruction that the likes of Rolf Harris have had recently is beyond me.
His refusal to apologise for it or even discuss it would be the only way he could get out of this without forever being shamed for the shitbag he is.
[quote=“marilove, post:36, topic:47677”]
That rolling stone article is bullshit.
[/quote] ok, assuming you mean the RS apology?
100% agree, a target of violence is a blameless person despite any typed thinking on an idealized community responsibility.
As for research on this case, not sure which media to believe when ratings and page views are paramount, I think most comments here(BB) are generalizations on what this appears to be a generalized case of, I do not know specifics on the Cozby case.
I am willing to accept that my thoughts are wrong, I am and have been uncomfortable with these opinions but have not had much opportunity to safely explore them. I feel general society prevents honest discussion of this topic, but that posting my opinion, especially when wrong, in a more enlightened forum like BB is an unusual opportunity to learn.
(edit) The Wagatwe Wanjuki buzzfeed article on the Rolling Stone article apology I also agree with.
Well yeah. A certain amount of management was devoted to covering it up, while another set was doing it. So yeah, it’s one of the things they made. Child rape victims. Great phrase man!
I can’t even parse most of this. Is English not your first language? Genuine question.