When I was at school, our French Teacher used to speak like a Dalek.
There’s cultural differences in pronunciation, to a small extent. But really regional differences are much stronger than any differences between race.
You tell POTUS that he has fallen in the rating.
I definitely recommend watching Sorry to Bother You.
Or watching American television.
Or, I dunno, a Madea movie.
The point is: yes, there’s a big difference.
It’s a voice that doesn’t sound black or lower class on the phone.
It’s pretty useful. The ‘white voice’ can convince the person on the other end to treat you like an actual white person - which means that previously difficult-to-obtain things like bank loans, good customer service, and even prompt responses from 911 are at your fingertips. With a white voice, the world is your oyster.
For what it’s worth, the “white voices” were dubbed by white actors,
…because they were deliberately exaggerating the phenomena for comedic effect.
Nevertheless, it’s a thing.
Exterminer… exterminer… exterminer!
Northern hemisphere or southern hemisphere?
Fluent Antipodean is preferred with due reference to the Southern Oscillation Index (dentures removed). Best attempted after consuming a flagon of port.
My three year old can. He just kind of roars like a lion. It’s amazing.
(1) Any old port?
(b) Wouldn’t looking at ENSO be a more integral approach?
(3) How do you think the thermoclines should be modelled?
(1) Hospital port, sherry of the worst stripe, or failing that a good brand of wood alcohol.
(b) ENSO is a tool of Russian subversion and must be discounted.
(3) Meringue is an ideal modelling medium. Easily carved, and the residue may be held over and used to attract a mate. Alternatively, Wine Trifle may be employed to graphically portray gradient layers prior to serving.
(1) Sherry it is, then.
(b) That’s what the NOAA wants you to think.
(3) Meringue? Seriously? What are you; some kind of deviated prevert?
Well… are you?
Sir or madam, whom are you to caste astercians? What do they say about grass houses? For the record, I have never been involved in the motion picture industry or the clergy. Nevertheless, Norman is an island.
Siri, sing 212.