Rapper shows off her dead-on Siri voice

Hey not a huge Azealia Banks fan per se, but I do really like that song. That dude in the video looks too much like Toby McGuire, though.

Yes, it totally is. As a kid, I was ‘code switching’ long before I even knew the practice had an official name.


Re: White voice or changing ones’ voice

I’ve noted many people do this to varying degrees. How they talk in public vs their friends or in certain situations. I note that I can get a lot more “folksy” or “rural-speak” when going back home. I also tend to emulate accents if I am around them too long, but I think that is a separate issue. The Hispanic ladies how they talk to each other vs clients/support, etc. Conversely one of my black friends gets some shit for talking too “white” all the time. I wish we could just be ourselves and not put on masks to mimic who people think we should be :confused:

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