Originally published at: Rather than do it right, San Francisco's Millennium Tower elects to do it fast | Boing Boing
The fact that they’re willing to push this fast pretty much confirms that the tilt is all but out of control and the building is going to become officially (as opposed to just practically) unsalvageable very soon indeed.
Every time this comes up I look for a pic that I have seen of a Dystopian City where dilapidated High Rises lean against each other and are strapped together with cables to stay upright. I thought it was artwork from a Fallout Game but I can’t find it. Did I dream this?
Do I have to ask if the great Ronald Hamburger is involved in this decision?
From Idiocracy…
New Twitter HQ
Fast, good cheap. Pick any two.
it’s gonna fall over
it’s gonna fall over
it’s gonna fall over
just a matter of time
The owners should try to sell it to Musk, it would nicely fit into his current portfolio.
San Fran is a city I’ve always wanted to visit, but should the opportunity arise, I’d be checking a map for hat buildings location, and drawing a circle on it the radius of which relates to the height, plus a little bit more, and staying the hell away from it!
Who knows, there might be a ‘quake, and a great photo opportunity…
When I first came here, this was all swamp. Everyone said I was daft to build a castle on a swamp, but I built in all the same, just to show them. It sank into the swamp. So I built a second one. That sank into the swamp. So I built a third. That burned down, fell over, then sank into the swamp. But the fourth one stayed up. And that’s what you’re going to get, Lad, the strongest castle in all of England.
i think this might be a case of pick any one.
Yes, but can I get fries with that?
at $600 million in development costs, and another $100-250 million to “fix” the leaning, you can have as many fries as you want.
As usual, BB is sensationalizing this out of all proportion. I’ve mentioned before that I’m a resident of this building, and while I don’t want to dignify the nonsense that was being reported, there was a very subtle lean towards the west. You could just barely measure it with a level, and it meant that pictures might shift from where you hung them.
Anyway, it’s already much better thanks to this intervention. There, you happy? Can we just drop it?
At this point it’s become “Fast or cheap, pick one.” There in no longer an option with a good outcome.
I think the plan must now be to spend the minimum amount possible to be able to testify “we legitimately tried to fix it, here are the receipts” during the lawsuits to come.