Read about the activists who helped bring down bleach-peddling, wellness-grifting Grenon family

Originally published at: Read about the activists who helped bring down bleach-peddling, wellness-grifting Grenon family | Boing Boing


just how difficult it is to monitor the promotion and sale of harmful or ineffective health products when they are no longer sold in brick-and-mortar stores, but rather in private groups on social media platforms

Facebook, Twitter, etc. are about as interested in moderating away dangerous medical woo as they are in spending money to kick off fascists, white supremacists, incels, cryptocurrency scammers, etc.


If only there were some way to communicate with children the dangers of ingesting dangerous substances, they might have the smarts to avoid doing that very same thing as adults.


Their next product:
Battery Acid! The dying means it’s working!


Social media is rife with scammers peddling all types of fake products, from unvetted herbal supplements to knockoffs made in overseas sweat shops, to wholly imaginary items whose sellers make it exceptionally hard to get your money back when you receive a cheap trinket instead of your purchase (or nothing at all.) I have experience with the latter, and ended up going to my credit card for a chargeback when PayPal dropped the ball on a refund.


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