Read the nondisclosure agreement you must sign if you want to have sex with Charlie Sheen

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People who might be waiting for an explanation for why sex should be private might need to wait quite a long time. For something that’s supposedly so common-sense, most people seem to have not thought it through very far.

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It would be like the anti-50 Shades of Grey


50 Shades of Legalese.

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Since nobody else has said it yet, I guess I have to. This is just too easy.
Here goes:
So this is that tiger blood he has been talking about all those years, is it? :wink:

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Okay - I’m seizing on your minor, throw-away, light-hearted comment & distorting stuff. Why? Cause Internet (Trollollooooo…)

Mr. B -

So…you wouldn’t blame them. Yeah okay - but Sheen is not ‘Them’ - he’s a specific individual - with a known record of uncontrolled, capricious & well alleged, if not proven exploitive behavior.

With respect Mr. B - should we even go there given the Balance of Power dealio? Someone of Sheen’s means dictating the terms of an intimate encounter or relationship in a one-way contract that solely benefits the the wealthier, more powerful party?

Do you really think like this?



Here I am. Rock me like a Trolocane…er - I meant Hurricane…

-edit, P.S. -

what kind of a MAN gives his mother who carried him for nine months a WEDGIE???!!!???

“So. I just sign here. And date it?”
“And over the page. Oh, and this form too.”
“Uh huh. What’s that one?”
“Medical Indemnity. If anything ruptures, its on your insurance.”
“Can I get a copy?”
“Sure. Just a moment”. sounds of a scanner " I can email it if you want. "
“Send it to”

“Okay, that’s the paperwork done. We can meet back here when my solicitors have cosigned the documents in 3 to 5 days, and we can get it on.”

The most erotically charged day of my life.

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