Real life folk horror: turkeys march in a circle around a dead cat


I was “invited” to a cat funeral one time. Unfortunately for this post, it wasnt for a dead turkey, just a dead cat.

Damndest thing, though. This collarless calico approached me and then turned as if it wanted me to follow it. And when I thought it was too silly, I went to wander off, and it caught up with me again and corralled me toward a small clearing. Maybe a dozen cats were just sitting, near a very obviously dead cat. I tried to be polite for a bit before going on my way… but it sure as hell felt like a funeral.


We have a lot of wild turkeys in our area. They have some odd behaviors. I’ve seen them block traffic and peck at cars that try to slowly go around… they’ll quickly run in front of the car and then slowly strut pecking at the bumper and ruffling their wings.

I could see this behavior as they are walking along, usually in a line, and they come up on one side of the dead cat they see it to one side. They think it’s a predator, so they want to keep it in view as they go by and so they turn a little and each one turns a little more, bending the line eventually that turns into a wide circle. A ring of cautious bird-brains. Eventually it probably sinks in ’it’s dead! yesssss’ and then they go their way, cat completely forgotten.


Hail! Hail!
Fire & snow!
Call the angel,
we will go!


Expected: I’m marching around a dead cat right now.


I think that Loudon Wainwright jr. Could probably find a song in this.


Genius work. Source pls?

The King is Dead. Long Live The King.

They’re mourning the death of Presidential ethics.
B/c even turkeys get it.

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Second time this week.

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Ugh, you guys write a headline as if you’ve never been to a turkey funeral. Try to be more diverse!


That there would most likely be JERRY Orbach, just sayin’ . . .


Surely this is being orchestrated by that pale creepy kid who you can see on the right hand side at the end of the clip. He seems frozen in time but is clearly not of this world.


…my eyes was looking for something and else… but
I have a could not etcetera

and this is conspiracy full and stop ok

Or hunt children for sport:


The time draws nigh. You, who claim ‘as God is my witness, I thought turkeys could fly!’, have another witness, summoned by this blood sacrifice, whose testimony shall bring the Sword of Retribution against you and your kind!

Gobbly Yours,
Gobble G. Gobbleson, Trk.


That’s what the cats want you to think.


I love the “explainer” attached to that post. “Well, it COULD maybe be…”

(About par for the course for “explainers”, I suppose.)

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Oh, I don’t know. There is something to be said for recognizing that knowledge is provisional and subject to overturning by new contingencies like new data, better theory, etc. :slight_smile:

“As best we understand planetary motion could be predicted by these three laws”—Kepler

“As best we understand planetary motion could be explained and predicted by gravity”—Newton

“As best we understand planetary motion could be explained and predicted by gravity and relativity”—Einstein.


Sorry. Brain-fart!