Red Cross nurse secretly injected saline instead of COVID-19 vaccine into as many as 8,600 people

Oh! What the fuck?


For some reason I thought of


There’s this bit of heartbreak (from the same one that brought you the metaphor about the Orphan Crushing Machine):



The core problem is that teaching facts is much easier than teaching how to think, just as testing fact knowledge is much easier than testing how people think.

Edit: her testing it is actually exactly the right thing to do if she’d learnt apparently contradictory facts to what she expected. The snark about knowing this stuff I understand, but it’s unlikely she’s ever actually done that test. Really the issue is around trustworthiness of information, and hopefully now she’ll trust those videos a bit less.

Education needs to imbue people with effective bullshit filters.


Perhaps you missed this post:


There’s a pretty good deal. It almost doesn’t matter. My little sister is an medical ICU nurse at a highly prestigious hospital. They’ve been dealing with countless Covid patients. Despite all of that she still has coworkers pushing antivax stuff. The hospital still doesn’t have a vax requirement, despite regularly requiring other vaccinations.


And he was actually considered a fairly talented surgeon by other doctors in Bowling Green, KY. The joke was that you wanted to be anesthetized before he came in, or you’d be subjected to an endless spew of crazy.


Is that picture from a spot-the-mistakes exercise in a GLP training manual? :smiley:

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“incompetence” isnt appropriate. She intended to do what she did, and did it well.

i guess what you mean is: did she do it “for the good” of the patients or “to harm” the patients.

Or, was she doing it as a blind “political act” (“George Soros is trying to inject 5G markers into people / Politicians-sheeple are too cowed to do anything about it / Well, I wont let him and the globalists get away with it!”)

I think it’s probably some sort of incoherent mish-mash: “I’m [secretly] scared of the virus / I’m annoyed at the restrictions imposed because of it.” If I sabotage the supposed cure for it, I’m showing “I’m not scared” of it, and now that it poses no danger (because I’m “not scared”), theres no need for restrictions.

In any case, this sounds like a much more methodical scam. (As usual, the bare facts of the news report are wildly insufficient.) The nefarious US pharmacist who sabotaged batches of vaccine by letting them warm up to room temperature was abominable, but this takes it to a whole new level.


Spot on for this and so many other situations :joy::joy::joy::joy:

“You burden me with your questions
You’d have me tell no lies
You’re always asking what it’s all about
But don’t listen to my replies
You say to me I don’t talk enough
But when I do I’m a fool
These times I’ve spent, I’ve realized
I’m going to shoot through
And leave you
The things, you say
Your purple prose just give you away
The things, you say
You’re Unbelievable”


I read this comment, having forgotten that that song had overtaken this thread, and as I’m reading the lyrics they started to ‘come alive’ in my noggin, yet I still got most of the way through it without figuring out the song, in spite of singing along in my head. Brains, what a silly thing.

Also, anybody here recognize the “backup vocalist” on that song, contributing the exclamatory grunts and such?


Life in prison for attempted murder of 8.600.

so… the day the earth stood still… again

lateral thinking I spose

It is important to remember that Rand Paul’s medical certifcation is from the Hollywood Upstairs Medical College

By all accounts Ben Carson was a perfectly competent neurosurgeon, but he’s also a complete nutter who thinks that the Pyramids of Giza were actually grain silos built by the Biblical figure Joseph.


Yep, I’d rather get my eyes worked on by Bashar Al-Assad than that guy.

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