Reddit rids itself of Nazi subreddits

Ein see what you did, herr.

I guess they’ll just have to move to that 100%-free-speech reddit alternative that was started and has been so successful that I can’t even remember it’s name at the moment.

Is there a list of the deleted subreddits somewhere?

I suspect that for the fascists that is a feature, not a bug. A super secret place that the “liberals” can’t remember.


On Breitbart, they keep banging on the idea that all social media companies are founded by people steering to port, and that the government should regulate them. (I usually drop comments like “Yay! Let’s have more government control and regulation!” and “After that, they’ll come for Breitbart and Infowars.”)

If there are no successful starboard social media sites, there might be some reason for that. (“Aliens!”)


“You wouldn’t know it, it’s from Canada.

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You’re doing outreach to Breitbart?

Kudos; my stomach and mind couldn’t handle that sort of work.

Thanks for posting this!

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Well, luckily we have two other branches of government instead of a monolithic “state” over-simplifying libertarians are always whinging about, and those are decided by the people, as are much of the judiciary.

Legality is a term the refers to the legal status of a social more, not the actual status of said more in a society. The main cases that said nazis were a-okay were decided decades ago.

Usually dry snark. If it reaches anyone, that’s a plus.

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