Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/07/31/redditor-seeks-specific-vodka-to-bribe-his-family-gnome-and-regain-wifi-access.html
Nisse wouldn’t want Vodka. Probably some good hot chocolate.
I don’t think we’re supposed to refer to IT people as “gremlins” on this board.
We’ve heard worse…
delirium tremens?
apt-get remove --purge gnome gdm3
apt-get autoremove --purge
apt-get install kde-standard
I know is funny but for these guys domovoi are serious business. I remember a friend who claimed had also one (from her russian girlfriend) and he had a small altar with salt and some non-perishable offerings that this particular domovoi liked.
You don’t mess with the Domovoi, or not having wifi will be the least of your concern
ETA: I think than more than a gnome, the equivalent would be a Hob or Brownie, or spanish Trasgus and Follets. My grandma used to have a small corner with trinkets to appease follets, so I guess I empathize.
PS: Now that I think of… I guess I have something similar in mine. An offering of salt, some trinkets, and I burn incense there… I guess unconsciously I am appeasing my Domovoi
Wait, this is in Scotland?
I think this gnome needs to be properly introduced to whisky. Problem solved.
Shadow Moon has entered the chat.
That could be seen as a badge of honour.
If he had the internet he could order some. That domovoy really bears a grudge, maybe introducing him to uisge beatha would calm him down.
An alternative might be he has signed up with Virgin which would require human limb sacrifice to get away from.
If I’m understanding the mythology correctly this is some sort of family/household entity.
Maybe switching from consumer to enterprise wifi gear would eliminate its power over the network?
Not saying that there aren’t dark powers and prices to be paid on that side of the fence; but if you have not yet attracted their notice maybe it would help.
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