Originally published at: Rent this Human Whack-a-Mole for your next company team building retreat - Boing Boing
Strikes me as a bit squid-gamey, but maybe that goes for most corporate team building.
Beats tossing little people I suppose.
I guess it’s better than fire walks.
This seems like fun until you get that overly-competitive sales guy who’s in the middle of a divorce and custody battle taking it waaay too seriously.
No thanks. My Filipino coworker does Arnis/Eskrima and is wicked fast with sticks.
As long as it’s not Seitama playing…
“Team-building” is the most hypoctritical and cynical expression since “Arbeit macht Frei”.
Uh, I quit
Can we make the moles specifically the management/owner class and use real clubs?
Asking for most of the world.
So is there actually any penalty for getting hit? I could see myself tanking a vigorous noodling to the face while going ham on the balls if not.
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