Rep. Paul Gosar defends use of fake photo depicting Obama shaking hands with Iranian president

Trump has murdered someone to avoid impeachment ramifications in my opinion.

What exactly to you expect me to do ? Sit fucking quietly ?

I dont disagree.

My personal expectations of what other people may do are rather irrelevant.

I have no choice but to fight, in any way that I possibly can.

Do me a solid and check that needlessly combative tone; as I’m not the person who’s endangering all of life as we currently know it - I’m not the one who pissed in everyone else’s cornflakes.

I don’t knock anyone for being realistic, but pessimism fatalism won’t help anyone, or solve any of our problems… if we give up all hope before we’ve even started to fight in earnest, then we just make even more work for ourselves, needlessly.


I think you are on to something with the maximum chaos expectation. But having dealt with more than a few extremely narcissistic people in my life, I don’t think it would be a typical suicide. Maybe a self-ordered assassination like in Bullworth. Then he could imagine himself getting statues and parades and the libs would be blamed and they would pay and so on.


They don’t really have that kind of power (and most of them are so far from DC, they’re unlikely to travel there in any numbers). Now, if Fox News starts talking about how Trump shouldn’t leave the White House, we might have some problems…

Meanwhile the guys making the most noise about starting a civil war should Trump lose are living in e.g. rural areas of Kentucky. What the fuck are they going to do there? My suspicion is: something dumb, like invade/blow up a federal park building.

I’m sure it’ll go down in strange ways, but it’ll be stranger (and likely more pathetic) than we can imagine right now.

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That actually strikes me as a terrifyingly plausible scenario. The network has already given airtime to people who discussed the idea of Trump-for-life in a “ha wouldn’t that be great” kind of way, so it would be a relatively small shift to go all in, especially since Trump has brought it up in that joking-not-joking fashion of his.


I wonder how far Fox would really take that, though. I think they’d have to really push that narrative, and make Trump believe he had wide support in that course of action, before he’d do it.


I think there’s a bit of a feedback loop involved. Once one starts discussing the idea more seriously it will encourage the other and so forth.


Maybe someone could pull a Manchurian Candidate, and brainwash Barron to smother him with a pillow? /s

Totally don’t take this seriously…


Ugh, let’s please not rehash the what-if-he-loses-but-doesn’t-leave discussion. As has been pointed out: the stop date is baked into the Constitution, and there’s nothing magic about the Oval Office. The President is the President anywhere, at a certain date and time.

Worry more about narrative-shaping/invalidating elections/purging voter rolls. That’s happening right now.


Heck, we don’t even have to brainwash Melania. I’m pretty sure she’s ready to smother him with a pillow now.


is this implying that pigs have low standards?


But… but… he’s the Kenyan Muslim (i.e. the only one who isn’t white), so yeah.

I’m not sure that the logic goes much beyond that sadly.

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Might be tricky. Donald and Melania are reportedly the first White House couple since the Kennedys to sleep in separate bedrooms. She didn’t even relocate to D.C. until June of 2017.



But we are worried. Legitimately, that this menace will never leave and will destroy our lives. So we are airing it out here. I say we can hash, rehash and rehash again. If you don’t like it, jump onto a different thread.

If I had a choice, they’d spontaneously combust in sync with tRump. They can take whatever explanations with them.


GOP: “Obama was evil because he was insufficiently hostile to the Iranians!”

Dems: “Liars! Obama hated the Iranians just as much as any other red-blooded American.”

Leftists: “Sigh…”


It almost reads like a Secure, Contain, Protect story.

Yeah, it’s true. According to rumors, Melania doesn’t live in the White House most of the time now, either. (I mean, even less than Donnie lives there, which is, at best, only two-thirds of the time.)


I bet his security detail has a code word for Melania based attacks.

I’m ok with this.