Republican senator blocks bill that would protect IVF

Sure, you could be generous - but the Republicans did exactly what I assumed they’d do.

Being generous seems to be reasonable when the other side isn’t trying to subvert elections, and the courts. I’m finding it hard to find any generosity these days.


This just in: Republican Senator who blocked bill protecting IVF looks exactly the way you’d expect a Republican Senator who blocks a bill protecting IVF to look.


Less Y chromosome than I expected, to be honest. Though finding one of the ladies to do it is probably better optics.


Sure, and everybody knew it, including the Republicans. And everyone knew IVF is insanely popular and this ruling is very damaging politically and reveals the party as the extremists they are.

And still, they couldn’t help themselves. Like the proverbial scorpion they couldn’t resist making themselves look even worse by blocking a bill wildly popular with their own base.


I was being generous to Senator Duckworth, who provided the Senate with a chance to do the right thing.

Ah she’s doing a fine job - I’ll vote for her again without hesitation. Re-reading my post I suppose it could be read as a jab at her - no I respect that this was done - we need more aggressive democrats - being polite hasn’t worked for at least a decade.


If by “when” you mean “right now”, then yes I remember.

In our most recent school board election, the “parent’s rights” crowd were swearing up and down that this was happening elsewhere in our county. Of course, none of them could provide any evidence of such, but they had a friend who had a friend whose cousin’s girlfriend was definitely a teacher in school where this was happening.


Please don’t. There’s no mental illness or confusion going on here, they are completely sane and completely serious and completely dangerous, and people with mental illnesses do not deserve to be tarred by association.

Treating them as “just nut jobs” is how they’ve gotten this far. It’s wrong and dangerous on multiple levels to do so.




"Senator, say someone is prone to miscarriage, and knows it. If they intentionally get pregnant and (unintentionally) miscarry, is that manslaughter? reckless endangerment? They indulged in behavior they knew was likely to cause the death of a human being – how is it different from driving drunk and killing someone? Please note that the human being killed in this miscarriage scenario was implanted in a woman; that’s sometimes considered important, apparently.

“How about the estimated 1/3 of pregnancies that end in silent miscarriages (God being a eugenicist), and just seem to be heavy periods? Shouldn’t those deaths be investigated and the murderers held responsible?”


The classic warning is something like “Next up, contraception” but the GOP is confident enough to be arguing with itself about general march-to-Gilead issues such as prenatal care now.

Well, if you have a better way of punishing women for being sluts, I’d like to hear it!



If you’re trying to be hyperbolic, it’s failing because those things are already happening.

Alabama Mother Prosecuted for Taking Prescription During Pregnancy.



That’s on their list, if not already being done. I think it may not be possible to exaggerate the inhumanity and misogyny of these asshats.


It depends who’s getting the IVF, when it’s personal, their politics of bodily autonomy are secretly flexible.
The Women Who Leave Anti-Abortion Picket Lines to Get Abortions


I don’t have source, so it could be wrong, but I heard (here?) that the kernel of truth in this story is that schools had kitty litter in case they were hiding in a classroom for too long in a shooter situation.


I’m sure they’ll go after coal plants and other major air polluters soon, as air pollution can majorly effect the viability of pregnancy.

They’re likely also be going after anyone who risks pregnant women’s WIC benefits, either through legislation, or by trying to push for a government shutdown.


Exactly! I mentioned that same thing somewhere recently. There are plenty of things making pregnancies less viable. It’s all about punishing and controlling women.
And the coal plant example is yet another situation where individuals are held responsible for the negative repercussions (more miscarriages) of for-profit industries that pollute the commons.
It’s more than frustrating that so many USians seem willing to play along with the idea that any of this has anything to do with valuing the sanctity of life.


Thanks for reminding me; I’d heard the same but had never tracked down any sources unitl now.

Per Wikipedia’s Litter boxes in schools hoax:

The only known official instance of cat litter being placed in school classrooms for potential use by students was in the late 2010s by the Jefferson County Public School District in Colorado, where the 1999 Columbine High School massacre took place. Some teachers were given “go buckets” that contained cat litter to be used as a toilet in an emergency lockdown situation, such as during a school shooting.



Meta: if there were a “they provided the sauce” award you’d have earned it today!