If Trump wins, say goodbye to IVF: GOP blocks bill to protect in vitro fertilization

Originally published at: If Trump wins, say goodbye to IVF: GOP blocks bill to protect in vitro fertilization - Boing Boing


The GOP wants to make sure that lots of babies are born, but only unwanted babies!


Bans on abortion, contraception, IVF, no-fault divorce … the attacks on women are just the openers for the GOP. MAGAism and Project 2025 will bring misery to everyone (including, eventually, rich white cis-het males who don’t follow the party line).


I don’t understand why the GQP opposed this measure. (I actually do, but politically it is baffling.)

IVF isn’t just a woman issue. IVF is often a family issue, with men as partners (including married) quite often involved in the process. I know several families who are trying, or have tried to have children through IVF. This is a slap in their face and a statement that they don’t deserve children.

Their blind hatred of women and women’s autonomy is causing all sorts of collateral damage, but like the proverbial scorpion, they just can’t help themselves.


They honestly think that whatever Trump’s people are cooking up to steal the election will be enough and that they do not have to appeal to most voters. They can lead the bigoted minority they’ve already won over into victory by cheating and threats of violence.


Today there was a story about Biff campaigning in a conservative area of Long Island, NY, and how some pundits were wondering why he wasn’t focusing his efforts on a swing state instead. Your observation gives at least part of the answer: they’re no longer counting on winning even under the already broken Electoral College system. Now it’s all about cheating and riling up the MAGA base wherever they live (and to drive home the point that they’re everywhere, including in “blue” states).

Not only do we have to get out there and vote, we have to make sure that their plans to undermine the process and to violently challenge the result if (not when) Harris wins are thwarted.


Let me try here. I might be able to get through without puking, but let’s see.

Women are defined by their ability to bear children and pleasure men. This and nothing else. If a woman cannot bear children as God intended, then she is not worthy of being and does not warrant support. She must be replaced with a fully functioning unit. And, since it is always and only the woman’s fault if there are fertility issues, there is no need to consider any other possibility. Therefore, IVF only supports faulty women, and should be discarded along with said faulty units.

I am sure the constitution of Gilead says something like this somewhere.

Long story short, they are inveterate assholes, and anyone who actively listens to them is worse for the effort.


Speaking of which…

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Jabs at Harris for Not Having Biological Children [NYT]

“My kids keep me humble,” Ms. Sanders said at an event with former President Donald J. Trump. “Unfortunately, Kamala Harris doesn’t have anything keeping her humble.” The remark quickly drew backlash.

[As with Ted Cruz, I assume the only reason this fundamentally unpleasant and dislikable person keeps her office is via disenfranchisement and other GOP chicanery.]


IVF, like abortion, is one of those issues that likely impacts more people you know personally than you may realize.

The GOP’s monstrous anti-body-autonomy, anti-family agenda continues to alienate more voters than they know.


Michelle Wolf isn’t one of her kids!


Yep… living in a blue part of a swing state that is right on the edge of a red district, it’s making me very nervous. My own county is split politically and one of those MAGA assholes is on the county election board…

Handmaids Tale Cheers GIF by HULU


From Charlie Pierce, today.