Evangelicals silent as Trump embraces reproductive rights

Originally published at: Evangelicals silent as Trump embraces reproductive rights - Boing Boing


Dude… WTF? He’s NOT pro-choice. He literally appointed three justices that overturned Roe!!! How in the fuck is that shit “pro-choice”… he can say whatever he wants, but we all know everything out of his mouth is pretty much a lie and that they will pass a national abortion ban if he’s elected.


Yeah, he’s pro-[whatever gets him attention, likes and votes], and that has never been a consistent position or anything resembling an ethical or moral stance. The people behind him have far more specific and scary plans, and they’re the ones we don’t need to enable.


Anyone who believes that Il Douche actually believes in anything, let alone that he has anything even close to a coherent position on anything not involving his own enrichment, is beyond help. If he thinks it will get applause, he will say whatever then deny and attack anyone who says he actually said what he said, and his acolytes will lap it up. This is part of the cult mentality. You have to accept whatever is given you, and be willing to instantly discard it when instructed to do so as well.


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And if anyone is unclear what the plans are for women and reproductive care…

If Trump gets back into office, we’re all fucked. Because he will ensure that no one votes again and he’ll empower people who are very interested in imposing their views on the rest of us. Let’s stop downplaying the threat here, and acting like playing “gotcha” will help. It won’t.


The evangelicals aren’t gullible enough to believe this nonsense. They know exactly what they’ve gotten out of him & what they will get from him if he wins. So - who is gullible enough to believe this crap? And who’s the target audience?


Ellsworth Toohey, clearly.


This statement is entirely meaningless, especially coming from someone like Trump.

The most radical anti-abortion activists can and do claim to support women and reproductive rights, they just twist the meanings of those words beyond recognition. “We help women by preventing them from making the worst mistake of their lives!” or “We believe women have the right to learn the real truth about reproductive choices, like adoption!”

No one on either side of the abortion debate really believes Trump cares about expanding women’s access to abortion services.


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This reads like a big “gotcha” type narrative, that treats politics like a game rather than a means by which we organize our society. As you say, they know what he stands for, what he’s done, and what he plans to do if he wins.

As our trans brothers and sisters, and lots of cisgender women in states with abortion bans can attest… none of this is a game. Lives are on the line, and we need to act accordingly.


They don’t CARE because the KNOW that he is LYING.


They love Trump because he hates the same people they hate.



He and his people know that the evangelicals aren’t fooled by this. The forced birth issue voters know he’ll make them proud.

So who is it for? The low-information, partisan-averse voters who they see leaning away from Trump because of abortion. They believe that if they can paint Trump as some kind of moderate those folks will be fooled. And the scary part is they might be right… those folks are not the ones who pay close attention, and they seem to have short memories.

Dems need to be shouting from the rooftops that because of Trump, many millions of women have already lost the right to abortion, and if Trump is elected again none of them will be getting that right back. We don’t even need to speculate or point to Project 2025 to know that.


Or, at least, claims too. I think that he only hates things that poke fun at him. :grimacing:


And they’re cynical enough to know they need to go along with it until the election. I mean, he picked a full-time misogynist trolley as his running mate. That sends a message.


“the evangelicals aren’t gullible enough…”

Don’t bet on that. I have former missionary relatives who believe that Trump is literally prophesized to save the USA. They have YouTube videos to prove it.

A different set of relatives, Roman catholics, pointed me to a priest on a YouTube video who said that Trump was prophesized to lead America to greatness when some door in the Vatican was open back in 2000. Unfortunately, no video evidence was taken and the prophecy wasn’t unearthed until 2017 or so…

All the bad things Trump has done just remind them of King David.


I’ll take that bet.


Translation: Men who know what’s best for women and their reproductive rights will make all the decisions for them.


It’s not a betrayal. It’s just more distracting gas from the clown. He’s doing what all the somewhat canny extremists do, and are doing: pretending at moderation & centrism to quell any doubts. It’s why he bothers to make noise about not knowing what Project 2025 is. He knows if he is too frank, they won’t be able to proceed with their plans.


It’s like what Twain said about New England weather, if they don’t like what Trump is saying, all they have to do is wait a few minutes.


You said a funny.