Evangelicals silent as Trump embraces reproductive rights

Damn right


I posted this in another topic and then I saw this one.

I wonder how those Evangelicals feel about making babies in a lab.

“I am announcing today that under the Trump administration, your government will pay for or your insurance company will be mandated to pay for all costs associated with IVF treatment.”

We want more babies!


Whatever they say or do, the truth is that they don’t actually believe that claptrap about a frozen embryo being the moral or biological equivalent to an infant child. If they did then mishaps like this one would signify a scale of horror on par with 9/11.



Make Christians Christian Again.


I really hope this is right and at least some of the single-issue forces birthers just don’t vote.

Influential leaders within the Nashville-based Southern Baptist Convention and other prominent evangelical figures are increasingly expressing a sense of disillusionment and are outright saying they won’t vote for Trump come November.


Something something “exceptions”, “IVF”, and such

Fuck that.

If your answer to “when should a woman be able to have an abortion” isn’t “it’s a matter between a woman and her doctor”, then you are not really pro-choice.




But he’s never done a single good thing, not one ascribed to King David, nor any other.


So his campaign is saying he didn’t say what everyone heard him say.



Day ending in “y” of course. He has no beliefs or values other than his own enrichment. Any statement to the contrary can be safely disregarded.


I am realizing what irked me about this BB headline.

Trump isn’t embracing reproductive rights.

He is pretending to embrace reproductive rights.

This headline is falling into the same trap as most media do:

  1. Treating his “normal” sounding words as those of a sincere person who feels bound by what they say.
  2. Treating the times when the quiet part is said out loud, when he goes beyond the pale of what has been acceptable political rhetoric, as a joke or otherwise unserious.

This way the media end up painting a picture of Trump that is 180 degrees from reality. His “normal” statements are when he is being disingenuous, and his “wtf” statements are the true man.

BB really dropped the ball here. The title should have been “Evangelicals silent as Trump claims to support reproductive rights, despite abundant evidence to the contrary.”

Of course that may not have gotten the clicks because it would have explained right in the title why they are largely silent.


Evangelicals trust that Trump is a liar misogynist rapist and pedophile who will ruin the lives of half the country in order to destroy our futures because it is what they believe god wants: death, rape, slavery, destruction, famine, apocalypse, an end to the US. That is what their leadership embodies and promises in the name of God. I would go so far to say that IS THEIR GOD.

Curses, words of cruelty, wishes for death of their countrymen, justifications and celebrations of pedophilia, rape, and slavery: This is the only promise I have heard from them in my life of 40+ years around them, when attending their churches, or when consoling their many victims as they flee the cults. I don’t say this to slander I say it because I have witnessed it over and over again along with so many others.

They are, to the last, believers in what I see as a sick and evil heresy rotting the spiritual heart of the US that cannot be cleansed with law.

But we sure as HELL can stop normalizing them.

Evangelicals and Trump can GTFO to Russia to be with their own kind free of other people’s freedoms that bother them so much.


Yeah, especially since Trump’s (vague, lukewarm, contradictory) “embrace of reproductive rights” was purely within the context of IVF. So “reproductive rights” turns out to be the right to reproduce or… reproduce. And frankly I think Trump only brought the issue up because he didn’t realize his fundamentalist base was against that too, nor that anti-abortion laws would end access to it. (Not that it would bother him if he did realize it - promising something rendered impossible by another of his promises is classic Trump.)


Any policy assertion by a fascist is only to be believed until it is convenient for them to do otherwise.


I was morbidly curious to see what the folks at National Review thought about this new “proposal.” They’ve got an article up explaining why it’s bad, but not for any reason regarding the sanctity of human life or whatever. They’re upset because they see this as an expensive expansion of Obamacare, only being even more liberal than any of the benefits that were originally covered under the Affordable Care Act. In their words they think this proposal was “too liberal for Obama” because it would be overly generous and pass on too much cost to other insurance payers who don’t need fertility treatments. Those pundits are truly deplorable people, but I guess we all knew that.


tRump does more flip-flops than Miami Beach! fk this loser!


Well, there you go.

In the video he says Minnesota executes babies after they’re born.

President Trump says he is voting NO on Florida’s Amendment 4, which would legalize abortion through the 9th month:

“All of that stuff is unacceptable so I will be voting no for that reason.”

“And in six states you’re allowed to kill the baby after the baby is born. And you know, one of those states is Minnesota where this Tampon Tim comes from,”

“You’re allowed to execute the baby,” Trump concluded.


sounds like an aspirational statement from him.