Republicans’ 4-Step Plan to Repeal the Affordable Care Act

For all intents and purposes, this has as much positive economic value as the Underwear Gnomes plans for world domination, and about as much in the way of thought processes used to consider the ramifications of taking 20 million people away from health insurance, putting them back in the hands of an industry which is only too happy to drive down the value of the services they provide while astronomically increasing the costs again.

In an era where technology is replacing workers, dollars are stretched ever thinner, people are working more jobs for less pay, kids are basically raising themselves, education is as expensive as it has ever been and yet the price is STILL rising, opportunities are diminishing in terms of places you can work, places who will hire you and careers you went to school for that no longer exist in this country and the most important things the Congress can think of is repealing Obamacare because of some racist bullshit concepts like invalidating his presidency.

The US is balanced on a razor’s edge and the solution is to take away Medicare, Medicaid, delay paying out Social Security for people today, completely doing away with it for anyone under 35, defunding Planned Parenthood, overturning Roe vs Wade (oh its next, I can set my watch by it) getting rid of healthcare for millions of people and replacing it with an anemic voucher program designed to ensure insurance companies make a killing every time you get sick, while the Antibiotic Age draws to a close, meaning you can sick and die from an infection you get at the gym trying to stay healthy so you don’t need the healthcare you no longer can afford because your part-time job no longer has healthcare since it replaced most of the workers with robots.

Yes, this is exactly what government is for. To FUCK over its constituents until the nation is vulnerable enough for a foreign power to want to go to war with us…bolstering military contractors (who are all in the pocket of the government…) What a sick cycle this appears to be.