Not sure why colors were inverted after posting this. In the edit screen and locally they look normal.
Better like this. Demonic purple pantsweasel.
Pantsweasil doesn’t give a fuck what we think. Goes where it wants. Does what it wants. Chooses whatever color space it wants.
Pantsweasel: “Filter this!”
Would make a nice album cover for an LA metal band.
I must admit I had a hard time parsing this topic. I was a good way into the article before I had the “Oh, the weasel has been rescued” revelation.
Gee Bob, what’'s eating you?
It’s a very long hamster.
when a weasel jumps on your desk and shouts
go with the weasel
Playing with weasels at your desk is the gateway to Ferret-legging.
ETA: the artist is Connor Smith (
I’d recommend keeping your distance, those things can go with quite a ‘pop’.
Thank you, @xeni. The feed needed some cute.
No cable or internet when it got started back in the day – so – yeah!!
Only difference is, the human Ozzy did it (mostly) by accident (the bat bit him, so he bit it back). I’m pretty sure Ozzy the weasel would be quite happy to do it, and would do so again and again.
I imagine Ozzy’s internal monologue to be, “… kill… kill… kill… kill… kill kill kill kill kill killkillkillkillkillkillKILLKILLKILLKILLKILLKIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIILLkillkillkillkillkillkillkill… kill… kill…kill… kill… kill…”
Izzy’s Owner/Prey, “Aw, isn’t he cute?”
@Adrian_Hillier As the old joke goes, “How can you tell the difference between a weasel and a stoat? A weasel is weasely identified, and a stoat is stoatally different.”