Restaurant deals with the rona by putting each table inside its own 'quarantine greenhouse'

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So do they hose down the inside of each enclosure with disinfectant between visitors or what?

If not then it seems like a good way to collect germs rather than prevent them from spreading. It’s like a sneeze guard at the salad bar, except that the people doing the sneezing are on the same side of the glass as the salad.


This looks like a good idea. You either need good ventilation, or keeping the air separate among visitors.

But clearing the air after one set of visitors is an issue. Not sure what they’re doing there, or how.

And being an outdoor restaurant, not sure if this might be counterproductive. Just having them outside takes care of 90% of the problem, you have natural ventilation.

I supposed they could open up the enclosures between visitors for 10 minutes and air them out. But again, now that I see it’s an outdoor restaurant, I’m not sure the enclosures help all that much.


“Choking or Non-Choking?”


I suspect walls between the tables would be a better solution. Just to prevent air from blowing directly from one couple to the next.


They had a bunch of greenhouse material lying around, as they’re way more than just a restaurant. I’ve taken a mushroom growing, cider tasting, and cactus grafting workshop there. They had a project where they installed urinals on the outside and figured out stuff to do with it. They’ll host your funeral. They had a workshop of cooking with bodily fluids. They are the happiest of happy mutants.


Yeah. Those greenhouses are essentially petri dishes…


I think it’d be difficult to properly disinfect everything however there are a few ways that could be accounted for. The furniture in the enclosure looks to be real simple which i hope is fully removed in between visits to be sanitized and replaced with clean ones. Also having the enclosure empty would give workers a chance to properly clean inside, there’s probably some room for error if not properly ventilated but if they’re outside that would likely help.


I was going to meme a hard pass, but I found this instead.


I think that the theory here is that a greenhouse in direct sunlight will increase the internal temperature to 160 degrees therefore killing the virus.
The hidden upside is that it also keeps your food warm.


Looks like the TSA has some competition in the area of live theater performances.

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Direct sunlight probably hurts the virus, too.


Just like a Arizona Arapio prison

“We call it the “hawt-bawx”, and it results in a gentler prisoner, after they’ve soaked through their jumpsuit for 12 hours.”

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Also found the full feature on youse tube.

I’m not sure if a pay requirement kicks in. But why isn’t this viral right about now? Oh, right. It would kill John Travolta.

Rather warm as well, I would expect. Good luck to them.

The restaurant where my wife works is talking about reopening the dining room to the public, and removing half the chairs. They can’t remove the tables because they don’t have room to store them. It’s going to be a nightmare, really, and we are dreading it. The manager wanted to open it back up the middle of last month and was pissed he couldn’t.


I strongly advise against ordering the chilli of the day.

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At work, we wear face shields to protect US from the virus- it reduces you getting splattered during aerosolization procedures. It does nothing to prevent the wearer from spreading the germs. So those nice waiters with face shields are still breathing all over the food. Great plan.

it also seems wise to give about 30 minutes for aerosolization to settle before cleaning surfaces in a room. So if someone coughs in one of those greenhouses, they better wait 30 minutes after the diners leave before they wipe down everything.

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When my internal temperature reaches 160 degrees I’ll be able to digest their food at least twice as fast

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I definitely don’t see any signs of such equipment here; but a smallish volume like that could probably be cleared of aerosols fairly quickly if you added an extractor fan for modest negative pressure and continuous inward airflow, biosafety cabinet style. I know that conceptually similar(if almost certainly less vigorously validated) fans are sometimes used for greenhouse thermal control, so you can presumably get them in sizes and mounts designed to be compatible with modular greenhouse components.

Unless they have a stash of quality HEPA filters that they probably don’t have, they’d need to find somewhere acceptable for the exhaust to go; but it would keep the pods from filling with plague mist pretty effectively.

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