Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2019/04/11/retired-pope-benedict-xvi-bla.html
And whose job was it to deal with the paedophiles in the catholic clergy between 1982 and 2005, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI?
Stop trying to shift the blame for your own failings.
I thought Palpatine would have blamed the mitichlorians.
It’s just the brain worms speaking…and the guilt.
“Pope Palpatine” was my immediate thought, too.
This is just a coded way of blaming Pope John XXIII and Vatican 2, IMO.
Ratzi has no guilt or shame about this. He truly believes he has no culpability here.
Agreed. His entire life’s mission has been to roll back the reforms of Vatican 2.
The 1960s is the culprit
If we had skipped from 1959 directly to 1970, none of this would have happened.
I blame the catholic church. For doing it. Because they did it.
And what was to blame for the catholic sex abuse in the 50s and before? Was that at least the fault of the catholic Church?
I blame the catholic church. For doing it. Because they did it.
And covering it up again, and again, and again, and again, and again.
Well sure… as long as we pretend that this wasn’t a thing
The entire article is good but that first line gives lie to the “Evil 1960’s” crap. There was already a religious order for treating priests who molested children founded in 1947.
As this guy tried fucking off? Because he should definitely fuck off.
How’s about Catholicism has been a sex cult since it’s inception.

The entire article is good but that first line gives lie to the “Evil 1960’s” crap. There was already a religious order for treating priests who molested children founded in 1947.
Dude. The 1960s is so powerfully evil that it went back in time terminator style to force priests to rape children even before 1960s.
That said, the Kinsey reports were published in the late 40s and early 50s, so while the 60 is famous for free love, it isn’t like the counter-culture of permissive sexuality started then. It just became a lot more mainstream.
But obviously regardless of any time ordering “man, look at those hippies having fun fucking. I guess I better go rape some children” is not any kind of acceptable line of reasoning even if that was essentially what happened in some cases.
Let’s be fair. There is some factual information in the Bible, but I wouldn’t rely on it as a historical document.
Well, blame it on those Deathstar destroying hippies if anything bad happens to those younglings. I´m sure archbishop Vader will agree.