Reuters editor-in-chief instructs journalists on how to cover the new Administration

Originally published at:


I don’t see the word “hostile” in there anywhere.


Yet another Fake News organization pledges to undermine President Trump and the President Trump Administration with factual, reality-based coverage! Sad!


“We don’t know yet how sharp the Trump administration’s attacks will be over time or to what extent those attacks will be accompanied by legal restrictions on our news-gathering. But we do know that we must follow the same rules that govern our work anywhere, namely:”

Unless you think they are uncertain about how much love will the Trump admin attacks them with, thats the “hostile” part.


TL;DR “Treat the current administration as you would any tin-pot dictator in a banana republic.”


Yeah no kidding. It’s top to bottom: We’ve covered countries like this before.


Go Reuters!


I have just finished replacing my CD series of Transmetropolitan with paper copies, because my computer no longer has a CD reader. It is frighteningly prescient. Go Spider Jerusalem!


Pity they can’t cover Bannon the way my cat covers shit.


Get out into the country and learn more about how people live, what they think, what helps and hurts them, and how the government and its actions appear to them, not to us.

As long as this doesn’t simply mean talking to people who think Trump is dong a great job.

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Heh. Dong.


Good catch. Still, whenever I see it snowing, I already know it’s freezing cold outside.


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This is cool and insightful. Our American media should take note of this one, “Get out into the country and learn more about how people live, what they think, what helps and hurts them, and how the government and its actions appear to them, not to us.” The American media really botched coverage of the election.


I’ve started buying this series to reread. Prescient for sure!

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“Give up on hand-outs and worry less about official access. They were never all that valuable anyway. Our coverage of Iran has been outstanding, and we have virtually no official access. What we have are sources.”

I assume this applies to the case where they do have official access, but it’s useless as a source of facts.

The part about being able to provide coverage using their own sources is the first bit of good news I’ve heard in a while.

I have to say that Reuters coverge has been good so far, hope they can keep it up.

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I’m not buying this self-promotion by Reuters as some kind of bastion of truth. The regularly carry water for the Chinese government. See, e.g.:

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