Review: Afterliff, the new dictionary of things there should be words for

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**Banada n. **
A Canadian banana.

Genius does come but so often in our lives…


It’s not like he had much of a say here.


Badlesmeare n.
One who dishonestly ticks the ‘I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions’ box.


I did not expect this. I own a hard cover copy of deeper meaning of liff that is actually autographed by Douglas Adams. He was really surprised to see it at a book signing in America at the time.


Just look at it?


I regularly find myself scosthropping about the house.


Adams’ premature death is a lingering tragedy for this happy mutant, and I suspect many others. I am happy to see how Liff carries on, but it must be diminished for his absence.

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Is it “Ba Nan Na Da” or “Ban-a-da” ? I’m working on Nic Jones / Weird Al cover called Banadee-I-O

“But it often reminded me that its place of origin – the wry, casually mannered and self-deprecatory hive mind of late 20th-century middle class England”

Destroyed by Thatcherism and neo-liberalism.

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Ba Nan Na Da, sung to the opening of of O Canada. How else would you do it?

Technically self-destructed, then.

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We never voted for Thatcher. She had found a way to appeal to the C1C2 classes - she sold them their council houses dirt cheap - which, added to the older generation, would give her a majority. But the educated professional AB1B2 group that’s the source of, and target market for, the old Punch style of humour modernised by the Pythons - they weren’t the Thatcherites.

Until the mid-1990ies, the middle class (ABC1) vote oscillated around the 55% mark, with a peak of 59% in the 1979 election, if can be trusted.
Yes, that’s the percentage of one, and not the largest, demographic group, and must be seen in context with the absolute numbers.
I also agree that Thatcher wouldn’t have made PM without appealing to the C2 and DE demographic.

Wooo, I have one entry in the book!

Sentosa: the sinking feeling one gets when you realise you did Reply All by mistake


I think rather a lot of my Cambridge generation who knew of him got the most awful shock and had a hasty reconsideration of our lifestyles. Nothing like someone of your generation dying at the age of 49 to make you think about alcohol consumption and weight. Being buried in Highgate Cemetery along with people like Marx is no compensation for being actually dead. In my case his death was part of my decision to avoid high stress jobs and do things I actually wanted to do.
So - a personal and family tragedy, a loss to the world, but he may have saved the lives of a number of other people. There is that.


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