Review: Popcake PC-11 Pancake Extruder

In a little metal cup, but not usually warmed up. Sometimes it is and it always freaks me out when it is. I’d say 90% of the time its real, even in dives. Its always jarring when its not real…

As the coffee place by my office I can order a Candienne Latte - latte with a very generous shot of maple syrup in it. The last couple mouthfuls are nearly straight syrup. Its awesome.


That IS awesome. I don’t do it anymore, because I regulate my sugar intake. But I used to drink coffee with maple syrup, no cream or milk. Coffee + grade B. So friggin good. Kept me truckin’ all morning long.

I used to help a friend with his sugaring. We tapped something like 2500 trees one year. I tell people in the USA about that and they go, “Oh wooooooowwwww!” Canadians roll their eyes. A 2500 tree sugarbush is a puny spec, compared to Canada. I have seen vids of places in Canada with tens of thousands of trees and sugaring warehouses with banks of vacuum extractors twelve-deep, pulling down sap in six-inch diameter pipes snaking down the hillsides.

You may be crazy canuks, but you have us totally beat for maple syrup.


Honey and maple syrup is pretty much what we use for sugar at home. Tasty and sweet!

Quebec does produce like 70% of the worlds supply… and you guys buy 70% of it! LOL


That person deserves a hanging. Corn syrup based maple syrup is an abomination.


ya beat me to it. PLus I’m too lazy to look up the link to the A.I.R. article showing that Kansas is far flatter than a pancake.

Please tell me the muzak is coming from the pancake machine

I mean how could it not


i want the one shaped like the giant face hugger space sperm.

Can’t you just press the button x number of times? is there a jesus pancake setting or mickey mouse ears?

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Really? I love that Beehive-brand corn syrup. It has Bee in the name, and the plastic bottle looks like one of those giant pointy silos where the provincial transport ministry stores winter road salt. I can’t think of anything more authentic.

What can I say? I like pancakes.


That is different than the fake maple syrup I’m talking about. You know the one.

You got a mancake.

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I remember a story a few years(?) ago about the Strategic Maple Syrup Reserve heist - I never saw a follow-up, do you know what happened after the theft was detected?


Something that is extruded from Teflon rollers is, I’m sorry to say, never going to be fluffy…

Don’t know about the Strategic Maple Syrup Heist, but what about the Great Molasses Flood of 1919? Boston, killed 21 souls…


I meant this story - and arrests were made, so my question is already answered ; )


Oh yes. They found it. Not too far away actually. At anight independent bottlers. Inside job. 2 reserve workers and the owner of the bottling place were charged I believe. :smile:

Most Canadian crime ever.
(There are literal maple syrup police. It’s super heavily regulated. Backyard tappers get pinched trying to sell their wares every year.)


We recently hosted a couch surfer who just happened to be carrying a large bottle of Canadian maple syrup, which they offered to us to keep when we offered them pancakes in the morning. Nowadays we offer pancakes to every couchsurfer, just in case.


If we had another stupid cop show but it was based on the Royal Canadian Mounted Maple Syrup Police, I’d watch that!

-They ride in on snowmobiles.
-Every other word is “eh.”
-They go out for beers after work every night.
-They carry automatic weapons and bust open warehouse doors.
-They have this one nerdy computer geek guy back at the office, runnin’ things.
-Lots of chases through the woods, getting tangled in taplines.
-Sweet sweeeeeeeet nectar of the gods in every shot.

@Donald_Petersen, are you listening???


Timely as this just came across my time line!

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