Originally published at: Richmond, Virginia to remove statue of slaver general Robert Lee | Boing Boing
They should replace it with a tribute to Gwar…
What other statue are they putting on the pedestal. Brenda Lee and Spike Lee are both alive, so they’re out of question.
I propose a Bruce Lee statue, to celebrate the importance of martial arts (and action movies).
Traveler is traveling to the glue factory.
“Yeah, that’s right you fuckin’ losers, mighty Oderus is taking over the block with all of these other second place Confederate slimedogs. That loser Bob E. Lee better keep on retreating. Good fuckin’ job, Richmond! What took you assholes so long with this one?” -Sleazy P. Martini
Bye, Bob! See ya in the history books!
I think they shouldn’t put any permanent installation there. Use it as a space to have temporary installations to exhibit art from different artists.
Richmond should change the name of the avenue to something more uplifting and inclusive while they are it.
Fountains and or beer gardens would be a welcome change.
No. No it does not.
I nominate Sara Lee. Nobody doesn’t like her.
Yes! I saw Gwar at tiny Fender’s Ballroom in California (late 80s, their first tour I believe). They deserve a monument just for surviving the stifling heat of that place at still putting on one of the greatest shows ever. I got the tinnitus that still rings in my head at that show.
How is this not by Xeni? I thought Richmond was her beat.
How about we just remove the top two-fifths of the statue.
Call it a Three-Fifths Compromise.
Or…beer fountains!
Does Richmond have any links to Newcastle upon Tyne?
They won’t even have to change the name of the statue
You can find Newkie Brown occasionally. Probably no closer though.