Originally published at: RNC chairperson thinks global economic chaos will help the Republican party | Boing Boing
I bet they feel the same about climate change… Assholes…
No bet, we know they do.
The GQP want to default because the economy is the only issue that they could campaign that would resonate with voters, regardless of who is responsible, cuz they think voters will blame the incumbant.
Any other issues they could conceivably think of are just fascist talking points.
Corporations are on board with this because they’re willing to take the hit in their stock prices (which they’ll just prop up with stock buybacks at sale prices) and use as an excuse to reduce their labor costs.
They’re not bluffing. They want a recession to happen.
Really, what they’re telling us is that they are expecting an angry supply-side Jesus to come back and start kicking libruls asses… That’s why they’re okay with climate change and global economic chaos… they really think the end times are upon us and they’re working to make it a reality…
The bit I don’t get about that is - why fuck everybody over to make a pile of cash in the enforced end-times if you don’t need it in heaven?
Seems kinda stupid…
I think that’s because the people at the top might believe in the end times a little less… or at least, they’re less sure that they’ll be raptured up, because they know what they’ve done… They might expect to live through the tribulations portion of the end times, and want to come out on top.
Which begs the question - when the world goes to shit, do they really think a pile of money will do them much good? I guess it’s about being able to buy up what you need right before it all goes down?
Could be that they believe in a secular end times, too, where amassing material goods still matter?
It reminds me of one of the stories in @doctorow’s Radicalized, about a rich tech-dude-bro who is a prepper and then shit DOES go down…
Worth a read!
Their goal is smaller, if not nonexistent, federal government and all the power to segregate, discriminate, execute, genocide, etc at the state level. Anything that leads the federal government into complete and total financial ruin is okay for them because that’s the goal.
I guess it would buy armed guards for a while.
Until they decide to rob your unraptured vulture economist ass.
The GOP has been trying to burn it all down since Gingrich came on the scene. They’re facist authoritarians and think that anarchy and chaos will allow them to stage a coup to bring stability. They watched all of these scifi and political TV shows and think they can do the same. They are entitled anti-American traitors who don’t get how the world works and are willing to kill everyone in order to “win.”
i DO want that on a t-shirt!
The head of the Death Cult Party of Demonstrable Bad Faith apparently (and predictably) is ignorant American political history.
They operate like a cult where its need for natural disaster so suckers will flock to them.
Thinking logically was never a thing with these people. It is all about unlimited greed. They wealth is only as good as the stability of society. They think their mountain of cash will protect them from the angry mob when the shit hits the fan. In reality, the mercenary will happily hand them over to the mob while helping themselves to the new found wealth. Those people don’t remember history. It will always be French revolution and Louis XVI all over again.