Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2018/12/10/robert-mueller-devotional-cand.html
Whatever it takes, whatever might help.
Roger That!
I love these! Not sure how effective they are, I think you have to add prayer.
As someone who has abhorred putting all our anti-trump hopes in a single basket, here’s hoping that these candles add to the notion that Mueller is apparently our one (and true) savior. s/Krusty is Coming/Mueller is Coming/
Probably works about as well as all those other prayer candles.
Which is to say, people have been using those “protection from harm” candles forever, and the big dumbass still got elected.
This seems like a parody of the mystical thinking around Robert Mueller as savior. It’ll take more than courts to take down Trump and it’ll take more than ballots to take down Trumpism.
The rhinestones really destroy the gravity and solemnity of these candles.
The original Mueller and Pee Tape candles
Which is weird because Mueller is clearly a solid worker. He has a career of solid, linear work behind him, and he came back for this one last job. He is doing a great job of following an established procedure. There is no magic in it at all. Just powering through the job.
This seems like someone wanting to make a couple of quick bucks… and hey, what could be more American?
Also, no considerateness regarding thong pics on my behalf.
They were sold out so I had to make my own. The horror.
But they are up and running! Go Candle Power!
That sign is wrong in so many ways!
I chuckled a little, then segued into tears realizing that our fucking political system is such a mess that even holding someone as blatantly corrupt as Donald Trump accountable would feel like a miracle requiring a saint to pull off. Light 'em if ya got 'em.
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