Ok, I get the question. I’ll look. Plus, I like ansible. I am going to try to use that one.
Works for me. Actually I could even skip an Obi Wan movie and substitute that with a Han Solo movie.
On second thought, I’m not sure there was enough of the Lucas prequels worth saving for a single film. How bout this:
Ep 3 Rogue 1
Ep 2 a Han Solo film
Ep 1 a completely new Anakin/Darth Vader origin story where Obi Wan is just a side character.
The third spin off was meant to be a Boba Fett film, but I heard that had been canned.
(EDIT: or maybe that just Josh Trank had been fired as director).
First citation from 2nd edition of EOD, supplements to 2009.
"Quot. 1851 shows an isolated use. the expression did not come into general use until the 1920s
1851- W. Wilson, A Little Earnest Book on a Great Old Subject x. 137 (heading) Science-Fiction. Ibid., We hope it will not be long before we may have other works of Science-Fiction, as we believe such works likely to fulfill a good purpose, and create an interest, where, unhappily, science alone might fail. "
There was a reference to the Guardians of the Whills, which is a term that’s never been used on-screen. The very first Star Wars screenplay referred to the Journal of the Whills as a sort of holy book about the Jedi.
The whole concept of the Death Star weapon using kyber crystals is something that’s been part of fanon and referenced in the RPGs for a long time, but has never been official. Having it brought into canon was a hugely nerdy moment.
I thought it was fun to see the planetary rings, which obviously took some inspiration from Kevin Gill’s visualisations that came out a few years ago.
fantasy with nuts and bolts. wasn’t it Pratchett who coined this term?
A lot of science fiction is fantasy with nuts and bolts painted on the outside.Terry Pratchett
I am obliged to add a legal disclaimer: this is a TV Tropes link
I think I prefer films that do not confine themselves to genre rules, as long as the story is interesting and compelling.
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