Ronald Reagan was Donald Trump, until he was president

Can we get John Hinckley Jr out for good behavior? Give him a DVD of Taxi Driver and tell him Jodie Foster would be impressed this time for sure …


You make an excellent point. RR was kinda, a little bit, sorta, only a total asshole when it came to his policies. DD, on the other hand…

New York Magazine, Cory, not the New Yorker.

(Sorry, I meant that as a general comment, not a reply to Maiq.)

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Mostly mid table, with a few good and poor perfomances mixed in, yet his supporters claim he is the best thing ever.

Ronald Reagan is the Newcastle United of US presidents.


I suppose my point is that outside the USA none of his folksy bonhomie actually worked. It made people sick a little bit in their mouths when he did it. We couldn’t understand how he was seen as a great communicator when he appeared inconsequential or just blathering nonsense to us. Interspersed with nauseating howdydoody false folksiness.

Kind of like how we saw George Bush really: fucking thick as shit.


I’m pretty sure that America is just playing chicken with itself. Trump is an “F-U Liberal Scum!” candidate. You may wonder, “what did the Liberal Scum do to aggravate Conservatives so? Besides existing, of course.”

How about running a Clinton and a Commie as candidates? (Please note my sarcastic reduction of two qualified candidates here – I’m simply calling them as a rural Republican sees 'em). You may not see Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders as rage-inducing candidates, but I assure you they are.

With a little imagination, you can safely predict how America will play chicken with itself next Presidential Election Cycle: My money’s on The Reanimated Corpse of John Birch vs. Jane Fonda’s Genderless Clone Army.

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Dubya was seen this way even before he was elected, and he was elected anyway.

The astounding thing for the rest of the world is that even before he was reelected, it was well understood that he had lied repeatedly to invade Iraq and that he had turned the US into a torture state. And he was reelected by a wider margin!


Not spin. I was there. The party officials really were holding their noses in 1980 and officially supporting Reagan because the polls indicated he was the only Republican candidate who could win.


You shut your mouth RIGHT NOW!!!


Why am I out of likes?

Here you go: :heart::green_heart::blue_heart::purple_heart::yellow_heart:


Seriously? The Democrats are giving you two choices: A traditional Bush I / Bush II pre-Tea Party Republican (Hillary) or a traditional pre-Bill Clinton Democrat (Bernie).

Only a Palin/Huckabee Tea Partier would find both to be “rage-inducing.” Or one gullible enough to believe that Ted Cruz was an “outsider.”

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Ronald Reagan was a cardboard phony. To him the Presidency was just another acting job. His real function was to keep the American public distracted with pithy homilies and down-home sound bites while his corporate puppet masters looted the country seven ways from Sunday. Referring to Ronald Reagan as some kind of paragon of leadership is like referring to a 3-card monte dealer on the street as a cultural icon. Reagan spent most of his time in office sleepwalking when he wasn’t doing something to support the corporate-state agenda. He was a wonderful shill for the corporate fatcats who wanted support in Washington to make end runs around Federal laws and regulations. “Trickle down economics” was nothing but code for corporations p***ing on the little people. For the rights and the economic good of the general population he was an unmitigated disaster as President and he should have been impeached for criminal negligence.


I’d argue that he should’ve been impeached for the treason he committed by selling weapons to a declared enemy, but you know, potayto-potahto.


Hey, it’s not like the administration kept the money they made from selling weapons to terrorists. They merely used it to fund another group of terrorists.


Reagan is indeed like Trump and Trump like Reagan. Neither qualified or capable of being President, but the wrong wing nut jobs are convincing themselves this cheeto colored buffoon is the second coming (of Raygun). As an independent voter I’d rather see Cthulhu as president than Trump. Coulda gone with Katich/Rubio and maybe captured OH, FL and mb WI. But no, totally balls-out crazy rules the day. No middle of the road, just a loud mouth bully as the paragon of the party.

Hello? Trump’s great accomplishments are grabbing the TV cameras for exciting and worthless events like beauty pageants and WWF, also lording it over hapless executive assistant aspirants. You’re fired! Perhaps better if Herr Drumpf were fired out of a giant clown cannon and into the sun. Oh the huge manatee!


There is still a rock bottom to be reached. They haven’t gotten there yet with Trump (just damn close to it). Once they reach their complete nadir and become an outright fascist party, Trump will be remembered fondly by the GOP as the “last sane one we had”


I’m not a Reagan fan but as far as “qualifications” go you can’t argue that he didn’t have relevant job experience on his resume. Voters could look at his track record as governor of California to get a reasonable idea of what kind of President he’d be.


Please! Everyone knows that serving in public office immediately makes you suspect! What this country needs is a good CEO to run the country! /s


Liked it for you! :wink:


Always relevant: