Originally published at: Rosemary's Baby is about the horror of coercive control | Boing Boing
… also from the author of the book “Do Not Create the Torment Nexus”
I read the first line and thought of The Stepford Wives. But jeez I hadn’t realized they were from the same author. What a twisted mind
Also A Kiss Before Dying, The Boys from Brazil, and This Perfect Day (my favourite dystopia). Always something interesting from Levin.
And let’s not forget who was the director of the film (Roman Polanski).
I had the same reaction after finding out Dean Koontz wrote Demon Seed.
Alternate theory - child of a relationship with this poisonous dynamic.
Hmmm, wonder what attracted him to that particular project.
@allenk - same here! I never noticed it was the same author. I think @IronEdithKidd might be onto something.
One of the creepiest things about Rosemary’s Baby is the group gaslighting, which eventually draws non-cultists into the festival of abuse.
Which is to say, The Boys from Brazil is not his only book about fascists.
I watched that film a few years ago to catch up on older horror movies and was very disturbed by it. (Ruth Gordon was amazing in it but she always was). It wasn’t the supernatural things that bothered me but how she was treated by her husband. That moment when she realized she had been fucked after being unconscious but how it was ok because they were trying for a baby was just ick.
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