Roy Moore's scandal is just the tip of American evangelical Christianity's child bride problem

If this is true, then I guess we don’t have to worry about Moore getting elected. The election will tell us what these people are. People will say anything when confronted. Voting in private tells us who really thinks what. To even accept, not to mention defend, Moore’s behavior is, to most decent people, abhorrent. So let’s wait for the election to see how many decent people live in Mooreland. Those are the “numbers” you are asking for, right?

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This has to be a shift thanks to the current political climate and who is in power at the time.

I’ve sad before, toeing a party line is the quickest way to become a hypocrite.


Religion is the final refuge of the pederast.


Burn the mouth* and free the mind!

or nasal passages, as one prefers

Holy crap! Someone else who has seen “Grim Prairie Tales”! There (might be) dozens of us!


Did that dude ever smile?

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After consulting the oracle eh ah anagram generator, I have learned that among many other things, this phrase anagrams to “die troll.”

I imagine I am not the first to find this out.

It would be probably a bit much to expect everyone to love and “get” anagrams as much as I do, but I like the idea of an entire sports stadium filled with people hollering “die troll” at the child-bridesters and predators of children.

Something more positive to replace the mental images in this discussion thread, anyway.


I had to look up helpmeet. It really creeps me out.


I’m not shocked that the fundies have been twisting themselves into knots about this.

A really large chunk of them are literalists, then they say that Joseph knocked up Mary to try to justify Howdy Doody creeping around middle schoolers even though they can also easily say they believe in the virgin birth and that the big guy was the real baby daddy of Jesus. They complain and worry about sharia law in the states even though some of the effective ways that would help curb it’s growth is bringing the legal age of marriage up to 18 and strengthening child abuse laws thus also pissing off those same fundies at the same time because they want to also justify hitting children and forcing high schoolers that got pregnant to marry who knocked them up.


Young wimmin taking their power back:

I offer this in lieu of a unicorn chaser.
It’s realer than unicorns.

To all those who have been assaulted, molested, raped, abused:
Thank you for being brave, and for speaking up.
Thank you for placing yourself in harm’s way, as I realize the press and the defenders of the accused will doubtless subject you to more suffering.

I ask this in all seriousness: how does one fight this issue for lasting change?

Having at least one parent who cares and is willing to protect children is baseline and unarguably sensible or so I had thought. What is it that we are seeing here? Pathology-justified-by-cult? Caveman-brain-writ-large across the most hyper-patriarchal chapters of human evolution? Was Moore’s installation of the Ten Commandments at his courthouse virtue-signalling? Theater? Smokescreen? Signalling of something less virtuous? Was his open-secret predation tolerated because Moore is a useful tool? Or because some people tacitly approved or saw the point?

Are we seeing more Cult45 emboldened jerks in general? (I realize in Moore’s case, this batch of accusations stem from events decades ago.) Or is it something more sinister, like trashing people and planet so their JeeZuss can come back faster and rapture all the Dominionists pronto?


I see. So “Family Values” is actually code for “Reduce Your Children to Baby-Making Machines.”


Stuff like this doesn’t surprise me considering the Quiverfull movement. It’s just sad that there’s so many folks that buy into it and then demand others to prop up their failed beliefs (often by force).


Yes. This has been the case for a long time.


I live in one, and yep, they do. I mean, there’s a reason young people lit out of these shitholes the first chance they get.

So what you’re saying is, you’re more upset people are pointing out pedophilia in your organization than pedophilia existing in your organization.

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Final? Sometimes the first choice.

I must confess that I too had the 9 month “Faire la danse du loup” with a fourteen year old, but I was thriteen years old.

Yeah a lot of hardcore religious groups have clung to a history of ridiculously young marriages because frankly it’s hard to get a grown woman to agree to things that are easy to get a child to agree to, and since you’re basically “raising” your bride then you get a thumprint in that human so you can control them more, especially if your social surroundings support it. Sick and sad, needs all the light of day thrown on it until no one can stand to be associated but the most depraved. Don’t care who you are, you should get the same punishment if you’re a creepy rando who chats up young teens and manipulates them into sex… AND if you are a creepy religious rando who uses your social standing and community to chat up young teens and manipulate them into sex or worse use the promise of marriage to validate YOUR wrongdoing. Sick, that’s what it is. Pathetic and sick… because deep down they know grown adults might have too much autonomy to fill the sad role such men have written for a “wife” really.


Now if only we could get this very reasonable logic applied to Islam. I realize this is off the specific topic but the ideas you post would seem to have broad applicability when it comes to profiling or stereotyping specific groups and attributing the poor behavior of a fraction of a group to the whole group.

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Yep apparently, and it’s worse than people think. The more this is a scandal, the more negative attention it gets, the more PRESSURE from the rest of society, the more progress. It took the Catholic Church centuries to take action against straight up institutional rape, and the technical age for marriage in that Church is still obscenely low though at least it’s kind of acknowledged that it’s a bad idea. People won’t change until they hear enough voices saying it’s valid to resist. Otherwise people just stick with what they’ve been told around them because they have no access to other ways of thinking. Protecting against this kind of discourse is PROTECTING the institution of child marriage because it won’t change until more people in those communities want to distance themselves enough that they won’t support people like Moore. This is just how social change works. People believe what they hear the most. Limit the discourse, control the population. That simple. So don’t limit it if you don’t agree with it. Take that indignation out on those who you know would defend it more than you…