Rupert Murdoch just bought National Geographic: Fox buyout means shift to pure for-profit

Zulu bride and bridegroom in the November 1896 issue was the first picture of a bare-breasted woman in the magazine.


Sorry to say this, but as @beschizza had a slightly better image of Rupert, he wins this roundā€¦


It already is. The fact-to-entertainment level dropped significantly ever since Fox took over their television media.


Seriously, I donā€™t see how this is a win for the world, just those execs making out on the deal.

Why shouldnā€™t he be held accountable for his crimes against humanity? Murdoch is like a virus that destroys all that it touches leaving only an empty shell of something once grand. As surely as we hung war criminals Murdoch should pay with his wretched life for the harm he does


National Geographic should have asked Tintin for advice.


Came to say exactly that. Fuck, I donā€™t even care if itā€™s relatively painless (though Iā€™d prefer something agonizing, natch). Just die already.

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Yet another publication which will turn to complete shit which, shareing ranks with fox news, NY Post and Wall Street Journal.

When that arch-scumbag carks it, thereā€™ll be fucking street parties worldwide.



This doesnā€™t have a snowballs chance in congress of being good news.

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Hmmm, seems my previous post got deleted (?) ā€¦ may I proudly say FUCK THIS MUTHERFUCKER. Fucking disgusting life-sucking twat. That better? The bigger question to me is what on earth does he/FOX get from buying controlling more stuff? I suppose easier than running for President like other billionaire blowhards, huh? :confused:

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Usually the Dragon says something if stuff got eatenā€¦

While I still read National Geographic magazine, Iā€™m not too sad at the loss of a dead tree publication paper magazine, print magazines are kinda a dying thing anyway. Iā€™ll stop reading their magazine now for sure though. Iā€™m more sad about the tainting of their brand and what it used to stand for, now I wonā€™t trust anything they put out now regardless of the media in which they put it out.

Bye bye National Geographic, you were great while you lastedā€¦R.I.P.

Sadly any new web publication they might have re-invented themselves with now wonā€™t be worth a damn trust wise.


Im no fan of Rupert Murdoch but Im just confused because the headline says that this guy is denying climate change, but yet he states at the very beginning that he believes climate change is real and its been happening since the start of the planet and will continue to do so ā€¦ , he did say that right>? because if so then he isnā€™t denying climate changeā€¦ in fact it makes a lot of sense since we just got out of an ice ageā€¦ the planet is warming right>? ok I guess the only debate after that is whether its being sped up by man or not? ok but anyways its one thing to deny climate change and another to debate whether its man madeā€¦ and what caused it before? How did the climate change start to melt the ice from the ice age? Do they think it just stops warming up because people like good weather? :smile: Its really silly to think that we have had many ice ages and many warming periods, but to think that people cause themā€¦ if so did people cause the ice to melt from the last ice age too? I think notā€¦but maybe those were onset by humans too?> who knows? lots of good questionsā€¦ I think the answer to whether or not the climate change will kill off all people is obvious thoughā€¦ since humanlike creatures have roamed this planet for millions of years and there have been many ice ages and many warm periods, the answer is ā€œWe will survive!ā€ , just my thoughts, take them for what you want

no it really isnā€™tā€¦

There is near universal scientific consensus around human impact on climate change, the temperature is directly linked to CO2 in the atmosphere and we know how much of that CO2 humans have contributed.

A group of people deny this scientific consensus, a subset of that group also happen to deny another scientific consensus, the age of the earth. They believe the earth is 4-6K years old, so it couldnā€™t have undergone major climate change in the past either.

The former is merely a subset of the latter that denies a second scientific consensus.

Actually we do know. Seriously you can read up on this stuff.

You might also read up on the age of the earth and when the ice ages were compared to the emergence of humanity, I think you will be surprised to learn that humans have not been through ice ages, weā€™ve only been here on the tail end of the last ice age. We are new comers to the earth. Will any humans survive a major climate change? Perhaps. Would most of the earthā€™s human population survive? Absolutely not.

Also WELCOME TO BoingBoing!


exactly! you just summed this up perfectly.

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.This presentation was made August 4. Itā€™s probably the most informative and easiest explanation on climate and how itā€™s changes are affected by us and many other elements. But, no matter who or what, itā€™s all connected. The presentation is about 2 hours and 40 minutes long so thereā€™s the catch. You either really wanna know the data and trend analysis to know where weā€™re really heading, or you want to be a RumplesMurdoch


Exactly. Itā€™s pretty damned irrefutable.