Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/01/24/russia-2-elephants-escape-fro.html
I read somewhere that one of the keys to training elephants for jobs like the circus is to drill in the idea from an early age that humans can physically restrain them. By the time they make it to adulthood there is very little a human being can do to make an elephant go somewhere that it does not want to go unless it believes it has no choice.
When its troupe tried to load the animals into a truck to head to the next destination, they resisted and walked away.
In cartoons and the movies peanuts work, guess not this time.
I has a sad.
are their names putin and medvedev?
this is also how governing people undemocratically works
they are more intelligent than some of my clients, and often more deserving of wide open spaces
In Russia, even the circus is corrupt, and the elephants work for Putin.
They are just refusing work until they get their bribes from the ringleader, they weren’t satisfied, since they work for peanuts
Not shown, third escaped Russian elephant:
Seen prowling the D.C. area. If spotted, please contact local animal control for capture and release into it’s original habitat.
Elephants from India, I’m sure they’re having a blast in the snow.
If you haven’t seen this, here are two captive elephants reunited at a TN Elephant sanctuary:
Edit: I just realized this screen cap shows the older elephant shading the younger one, something older elephants do with babies to keep the babies’ skin from the hot sun.
2 elephants escape from circus
and walk into a bar. The bartender looks up and says Why the long faces?
The elephants ignore the bartender. They go to the jukebox & play Baby Elephant Walk.
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