Originally published at: Russia lost 1.3M "young workers" in the last year | Boing Boing
Fascists are always surprised when their “paradises” experience rapid brain drains. Any young person with brains and a creative spirit knows that there’s no future in these places (see also the various enclaves of Ameristan run by Putin’s friends in the GOP).
I wonder how good Putin’s government is at tracking you down if you live in remote Siberia.
Check Tbilisi.
I wouldn’t be so sure about the “buried” part. There have been reports (albeit unproven) that Russia brought at least one mobile crematorium to Ukraine with them to help obscure the scale of their losses.
Gotta say, that’s very careless of them…
If I lived in a country with still-in-living-memory stories like “only 20% of the baby boys born in 1923 lived to 25”, I’d carefully consider my options if I heard words like “mobilization”.
In my best Lady Bracknell voice-
“To lose one young adult is a misfortune, to lose 1.3 million smacks of carelessness.”
Yup. We recruited a guy a couple of months ago from Tbilisi where he’d been living for, oh, about a year after leaving Moscow. A young professional with a great CV for his age and someone to who we now have to stress the importance of work-life balance. If he’s typical they’re losing some very good people.
Lady Bracknell says ‘Hi’.
oops. fixed.
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