Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/03/31/russian-doctor-who-met-putin-l.html
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Russian doctor who met Putin last week slips whilst taking a shower at the top of a flight of steps whilst juggling a pistol, state TV reports
Look, I am a terrible person, I know that.
I had been thinking Covid19 would probably take Trump and Putin, they are both just in really high risk categories, both age and occupation.
And I was more than ok with that.
I know how this virus kills folks and I was thinking, ya, I mean, sometimes there is just no saving someone, even on the best ventilator with the best doctors attending.
Then I remembered heart / lung bypass machines. These leaders have one at every location they spend any time at and probably a mobile one. Those will pull you through covid until your viral load is lowered enough for your immune system to finish the job.
Was my daily reminder, life is not fair, never has been, never will be.
Putin meet
I would just like to point out that Putin showed a lot more sanity than some Western leaders in his COVID photo op. Suiting up is better than being Boris Johnson and shaking hands.
Most of our bypass technologies don’t work safely for long enough to get through this. Full bypass is measured in hours and even something like ECMO has serious risks if used for weeks. Even if they did, the lung scarring would probably take them out of commission as a continued political figure.
You sound much more informed on this than I am, I appreciate you taking the time to reply.
I’m not that well informed, but I had the chance to ask pretty much the same question of some people in my life a few days ago.
But this whole Russian thing is a hoax, Russians aren’t real!!
I think that what Fox News said…
Meanwhile, the Shirtless Wonder is exhibiting the “leadership” we’ve come to expect from right-wing authoritarian kleptocrats when faced with a crisis they can’t assassinate or intimidate.
I wish but evil assholes seem to live forever.
Has he scored his eighth goal?
We conducted tests and identified 28 coronovirus patients in Russia
And how many tests did you do?
And that’s not just the regular Tyvek suit he’s wearing like the doctors are. He’s in the full Tychem hazmat suit.
Dick Cheney.
I’m sure Putin can find a willing double lung donor.
Jesus Effing Christ that guy still lives and the same goes for Kissinger.
I mean fucking Henry Kissinger is still alive, if that isn’t proof Karma isn’t a thing I don’t know what does.
Whereas the tyvek suit would be more than adequate protection from this viral contaminant, I’m presuming that he’s going to be sprayed down with disinfectant before doffing his gear, hence the splash-proof suit.Too expensive for the average joe, but he is is a head of state.