Russian skepticism

@Wanderfound watch out for the Russian nurses. I hear they are sexy but, don’t let them fool you!


Or Georgia

Or the EU. Russia did a lot of things that were very, very similar to their actions around our elections in the lead up to Brexit. And just like they’ve got some weirdly deep rooted connections to US right wing groups. They’re heavily involved in elevating and encouraging various right wing nationalost factions in various EU countries. And their overall propaganda thrust throughout Europe is very anti-EU often via an anti-immigrant arguement.

Clipping off bits of Ukraine and Georgia was very much about limiting EU expansion. And they’re pretty obiously, if not openly, attempting to break up or destablize the EU.


Was that ironic, or proof positive of intolerance?

Regardless of whether Russia “attacked democracy” or not, the idea that they did so meets the definition of meme fairly exactly.

@agger_modspil, thanks for the link to the Denvir/Greenwald piece. People who’ve worked themselves into a nationalistic and xenophobic frenzy are unlikely to read it, since it fails to confirm their newly conservative beliefs, but if they could stand the challenge, they’d learn something about another point of view.

Personally I consider the anti-Russian rhetoric on BB to be both tedious and so obviously manipulative as to be insulting. And the spittle-spraying rage that Democratic Party apologists sometimes display when the meme is questioned is ugly (and y’all should probably know that it is a subject of great amusement among right-wing conservatives, who find it hilarious).

But I don’t flag the posts of other people for disagreeing with me over this, y’know? You have a right to your opinion. And if you can state it honestly and respectfully, then more power to you; I’ll listen respectfully.

Incidentally, I’d like to call out @orenwolf here for not being part of the moderation problem. In my experience, it’s strictly community members who abuse the flagging system to try to suppress posts that aren’t sufficiently anti-Russian, and certainly it’s community members who rage-post in reply to insufficiently jingoistic attitudes. It’s not the mods.

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EU expansion NATO expansion.

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Crimea happened in direct response to a move towards Ukraine joining the EU. Ukraine has been a NATO “partnership nation” since the 90’s. And just this year was given status as an “aspiring nation” to join. Their NATO associations, and desire to join weren’t new or a change. The move towards Europe was.

Georgia was a lot more complicated. But the invasion likewise followed immediately on from the election of a pro-western Government with stated EU aspirations.

RT in Europe. If the complaints of my relatives there are to be believed (and my own experiences watching RT) is wall to wall anti-EU propaganda. With a curiously large number of those not particularly true “EU regs are taking your pints” sort of stories having roots in Russian state media. Anti-NATO shit is in there too, but “EU BAD” is basically in the masthead.

Also you’ll notice that Brexit. Which again the Russians were mucking with in exactly the same way they were mucking around in the US election. Saw the UK leave the EU, not NATO. They’re obviously interested in countering and damaging NATO, always have been. But a fair bit of the thrust at the moment seems to be the breakup of the EU. The two are connected. But its not like killing the EU is just their way of hitting NATO.


Speaking of which:

I enjoyed that, even though it was not particularly even handed, but I don’t think you’ll find many readers for such a lengthy article.

This quote hit close to home!

“We all make choices in what we’re going to prioritize,” he said. “I could go online and denounce Trump all day, and my life would be easier and more relaxing.”

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